“What I can do is run a background check on him and see if he has any outstanding warrants or even unpaid parking tickets. If he does, it’ll give me a reason to have him picked up and we can lean on him a little bit. Make sure he knows to tread lightly. Unfortunately, there are so many of them out there. Even if he gets thrown in jail, there’ll be more to take his place. These guys are like cockroaches,” Jason added.

“Well, it’s still shitty…” Cara reiterated.

“I hope this Cooper guy is worth it. Not gonna lie, I’m concerned. I dealt with a lot of professional athletes over the years when I was a patrolman and most of them are assholes.”

“He is… worth it I mean. I can’t explain it, but I just know deep down that he is.”

Jason looked at his baby sister and nodded.

He better be...

“Listen, do you want me to go in first and kind of fill everyone in on all of this so you don’t have to?” Jason asked as he pulled into the driveway of their childhood home.

“Do you think that’s necessary?” Cara replied.

“You did grow up with our family, right? Do you really want to have to explain what’s going on to everyone and answer questions all night?” Jason asked with a chuckle.

“Touché,” Cara responded, thankful that her big brother was willing to act as her pseudo public relations agent. Besides, this was Gabby’s night.

“Okay, give me a few minutes. Everyone else should be here by now. I’ll fill them in and threaten to arrest anyone who asks you questions about it.”

“Arrest them? You’re such a dork, Jason, but thanks. It means a lot,” Cara said sincerely.

“Guilty as charged… I’ll come and get you when the coast is clear.”