Cara glanced down at the box that Gabby had just dragged into the family room. Inside was what appeared to be every Baby Alive accessory ever made.

“A few things, huh?” Cara laughed.

“I mean, what’s the point of having the doll if you don’t have the right accessories, right?”

“Well, you didn’t have to do that. But, I’m impressed… and I’m pretty sure that you’ve at least won Gabby over.”

“What about you? Have I won you over yet?”

“So far…”

“Mission accomplished, then...”

“Come on in and meet everyone. I will warn you that all three of my brothers will likely threaten your life if you hurt me. Just play along, although Jason does carry a gun…”

“How comforting…”

Cara led Coop into the kitchen and dining room area, where most of the guests had congregated.

All eyes were on them as Cara introduced her guest.

“Everybody, this is Cooper. Be gentle with him. I kinda like this one…”

Coop wasn’t sure if she was joking or being serious.

“Hope y’all don’t mind me crashing Miss Gabby’s party.”

“Nonsense… welcome to our home,” Joanne replied, “Would you like some cake and ice cream?”

“Yes, ma’am… that’d be great.”

“Well aren’t you a true southern gentleman,” Joanne countered as she handed him a plate of cake and vanilla ice cream.

“Is that a Mississippi accent I detect?” boomed the voice of Ed Delaney as he approached Coop and shook his hand. Ed had always attended Knox family functions, especially since the accident.

“Yessir… sure is…”

“I knew it! I was teetering between Alabama and Mississippi. I’ve been to both states quite a bit over the years for work and recognized that dialect. I wish everyone up here was as polite as you folks are down there.”

“I do miss southern hospitality at times, but y’all are doing a great job so far tonight.”

Everyone chuckled at that, and Cara went around the room and introduced him to everyone else in attendance.

“This is my oldest brother Jason and his wife Erica, my next oldest brother Christopher, my Irish twin Johnny, and last, but not least, my dad, Charlie.”

“It’s very nice to meet y’all,” Coop said as he went around and shook hands with everyone.

When he got to Charlie, he made sure to look him in the eyes when he shook his hand.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Knox.”

Charlie looked up at Coop from his wheelchair and squeezed his hand firmly.

“Please, just call me Charlie. I’m not much for formalities.”


“Give me a hand, Cooper. I’d like you to help me outside. Need some fresh air. There’s a ramp right through the patio door,” Charlie said as he gestured towards the back patio door that was attached to the kitchen.