They asked my parents to call her friends to make sure Elise wasn’t with them. They also ignored me when I repeatedly reminded everyone that my sister would never leave without a note.

I stood by while my parents did as they were asked, only to be told no one had seen her this evening.

Then they questioned my parents, even though they were out of town.

This was confusing as hell to me. The first thing you hear on TV when there are kidnappings is the initial hours are critical, yet the people in charge were dragging their feet.

By the time the FBI was called, Elise had been missing for almost twenty-four hours.

I almost punched through a wall when the FBI informed us it would take another 24 hours before they could send special agents, hostage negotiators, and victim specialists to meet with us.

Elise and I were close. She was the sweetest girl on earth, so trusting and loving. Everyone in the family was protective of her and sheltered her.

Because of this, it did not surprise me when my parents blamed me for her disappearance.

You can put it on stress or on whatever was going on, but that is what it came down to.

In addition to everything going on, I had to manage my mom, who was a complete mess, and my father’s anger.

How could you let this happen?

Where the hell were you when they took her, you no good sorry excuse of a human being?

This is all your fault.

If something happens to her, you will no longer be my son.

The police had to pull my father off me.

Did his words hurt? Yes, it fucking did, but I couldn’t think about that right now. I had to find my sister.

I called Winthrop to see if he could give me more information, and he told me he caught two men trying to put a girl in a van. He tried to stop them, but the van rushed out of there before they could save the girl.

He wasn’t sure if it was Elise, but deep in my guts, I knew it was. My sister would never have gone out without telling me.

So, I waited and waited, while the police did nothing.

By the next morning, I couldn’t stand it anymore. So, I went to the one person who could help.

I went out my window and drove to Jelly Fish’s house and banged on her door.

I was out of my mind with worry and not thinking clearly. My eyes were red from the strain, and I hadn’t slept in almost 48 hours, but I had to do something to find my sister.

“I need to speak with Sarah Murdoch,” I told the security guard at the door.

“She is otherwise busy. You need to leave.”

“You don’t understand. This is a matter of life and death.” I tried to get past him to bang on the door, but he stopped me.

“SARAH!” I screamed before their security guard dropped me to the ground. “OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR.”

“What’s going on here?” Everyone looked up to see Lizzie’s Russian bodyguard staring at us coldly.

“It’s OK, sir. You can go back inside,” the guard answered.

“I need to speak with Sarah,” I told the Russian. “Please.”

“Henri is going to let you go slowly. But if you make one wrong move, I will put a bullet through your skull, ponyatno?”