I nodded and they slowly let go of me.

“Were you with Winthrop when they took my sister?”

Asheron Aslanov looked at me silently before answering, “Da.”

“Please, I need to speak with all of you. Please, she’s only sixteen. I need to find her and make sure she’s OK.”

“All right, come on.” The guy turned around and rang the doorbell. He then spoke to the camera, “You can unlock the door, Princess.”

Lizzie did as she was ordered and looked at me with sympathy. So did Winthrop’s girlfriend and my girl.

“Hi Moose, come in,” Saskia said softly before she guided me to the couch.


Sarah wasn’t happy I jeopardized her cover. Just like she wasn’t happy, I revealed to her friends that she was a hacker.

But I didn’t regret going to her, just like you will never hear her say she was sorry she helped me.

I know my girl. She would have done it sooner, but hadn’t known Elise was the one who got taken.

Quite frankly, even I hadn’t been sure, until Sarah hacked into the mainframe of my sister’s phone company and located the last known whereabouts of Elise’s cell.

My girl traced the make and model of the van through the DMV’s database to an address in Coronado.

I was about to leave the apartment and go after Elle, when a huge fight broke out and the Russian reminded me how stupid I was being.

Because the truth was, I was a useless individual.

Yeah, sure, I knew how to fight, but what the fuck could I possibly do against hardened criminals? What were the odds of me winning against armed men?

The Russian offered me the help of his friends for five million dollars. He wouldn’t tell me who they were and what they did for a living, but he reassured me they could get Elise back, and I believed him.

Why? Lizzie’s dad hired the guy, and the man is a Guild Lieutenant. They were nothing if not efficient.

We had a small window of opportunity, and I wasn’t about to waste another twenty-four hours for the FBI to arrive.

So here I was with Winthrop, waiting to see the bank manager about the money.

“You know you almost blew everything?” Mace stated calmly.

“I didn’t know what else to do. It’s my sister.”

“Have you spoken to my brother?”

“Yeah,” I winced at this. “He, huh, kind of lost his cool.”


Yeah, that about summed it up.

Gabe didn’t just get mad. He exploded, and we got into a huge fight.

The thing is, Winthrop has been teaching himself martial arts since he was a kid. And by young, I mean six or seven.

It was the weirdest thing. He would watch a movement and memorize it like a computer. He would then practice it until he got good at it, just like he did with football.

When we got older, he had the best teachers all around the world flown in to teach him how to defend himself.