
“Have you seen your sister tonight?”

“Not yet. Why?” He was the second person calling me about her. The uneasy feeling turned into dread.

“Something happened tonight.”


“I don’t want to alarm you in case it wasn’t her. Just check on her and make sure she’s all right.”

“I’m on my way home. When I get there, I will call you.”

I called my sister over and over while I floored the gas pedal. When my call kept going to her voicemail, I panicked.

Please, God. Don’t let anything bad happen to Elle.

Four police cars were waiting for me in our driveway. I stopped the Rover and got out in a hurry, only for an officer to stop me.

“What is your name, young man?”

“Eric Winslow, I live here.”

“Where are your parents?”

“They’re out of town. It’s just me and my sister.”

“And what is your sister’s name?”

“Elise, her name is Elise Winslow.”

“When was the last time you spoke to her?”

“At 8PM this evening.”

“Mind opening the door for us, Son?”

“Not until you tell me what the hell is going on.”

“We got some disturbing news that your sister may have been kidnapped earlier in the evening.”

“What? No, that’s not possible. I spoke to her right before my date. You must be mistaken,” I say as I swiftly unlocked the door to my home. The minute I was inside, I screamed, “Elise! Where are you? Elle!”

I rushed toward her bedroom, only to fall backward at the huge mess in there. Her vanity was broken. There were multiple signs of a struggle.

“Oh my God, what happened here? What the fuck happened to my sister?”

“I think you need to call your parents, Son.”


It took the police forever to get things started.

I don’t know if it was because of everything I’ve learned over the years with Winthrop and Co. or if it’s because I watched too many cops shows on TV, but something didn’t feel right.

They questioned me for hours, even though I knew nothing. Then, they waited until my folks flew back home to do anything, which took an insane amount of time.

The officers told my folks that witnesses had seen two men grab a girl who fit my sister’s description.