Tell me I didn’t risk my life and that of my sister for this.

Tell me I didn’t put all my hopes in the hands of children not much older than I was.

“Hello, Orion.” My heart plummeted at his answer.


“What happened to you after we got disconnected? We tried to find you at the library, but you were already gone,” Eric asked as he took out a sandwich from his backpack and gave me half.

When I wolfed down the entire thing, he blinked stupefied before giving me the other half.

After dropping that bombshell on me, we all agreed we needed to talk some place else, so I hopped onto the back of egghead’s bicycle and the four of us stopped at an abandoned building.

“They were waiting for me in the parking lot,” I answered him.

“I told you to turn back,” Gabriel said glumly.

Yeah, he did. I wished I’d listened.

“How did you find me?”

“There was a flaw in your backdoor. I piggybacked your IP address to the library.”

“That isn’t possible. I made sure the back end was secure.”

“Yes, you did, but you forgot to secure the landline.”

The Commander had said something along those lines as well. I flushed in embarrassment at this Script Kiddie errors, feeling like an idiot. It’s no wonder I got caught so easily. Next thing you know, I’ll end up being doxed like a noob.

Was I going to admit it to this douche, however? Heck, no.

“And after that?” Eric intervened before the conversation completely derailed.

“They brought me to a home about an hour from here. I don’t know where, though. There was a man there.”

“Did he hurt you?” Egghead asked worriedly. He was the only one who seemed to care about what happened to me. To Mace and Gabe, I was a stranger, a means to an end.

“He threatened to kill my sister.” I swallowed the lump in my throat and explained what happened with great difficulty.

“I’m sorry this is happening,” Eric said as he squeezed my hand in a reassuring gesture.

“Thank you.”

“Do you know where they were taking you?” Mace questioned.

“The leader talked about a school in Sedona.”

“Arizona?” Gabe frowned.


“Why would they want to take you there?”

“I don’t know.”

“Did he say something else to you?” Again, Gabe.

“He told me his name was Commander Karl Moore, and welcomed me into the Network.” The two brothers froze at my answer.