“Commander Moore. You’re sure?” Gabriel prodded.


“This is important, he said those exact words to you?”


“Fuck,” Mace swore.

“Why are you swearing? What is the network?” When everyone just stared at me glumly, I shouted, “Answer me!”

“The Network is an extremely powerful organization. They’re everywhere, and control pretty much everything.”

“Like what?”

“Governments, police, CIA, Interpol, the underworld, you name it.”

“That’s not possible. If such an organization existed, I’d have heard of them before this.”

“No, you wouldn’t have. They operate in the dark.”

“They’re criminals?”

“More like a secret society. Guilds operate on a set territory and have unlimited resources. They’re the ones the government calls when they want to clean up a mess,” Gabriel answered.

“Guilds? What’s a Guild?”

“The Network is made of seven Guilds. You have North and South America, Europe, Asia, Africa, Antarctica and Oceania, more commonly referred to as the Australian Guild.”

“And they each employ millions of people,” his brother added.

“What does the Network do? Do they have a purpose?”

“They make sure humans don’t self-destruct.”

“This is so unbelievable. How is this even possible?”

“The organization is old. I’m talking 12th century old, and knowledge is passed on from one generation to another, contrary to a government regime that can change. This enabled them to have a foothold in almost everything,” Gabriel grimly explained.

“Who controls these Guilds?”

“They’re autonomous. But the generals meet once or twice a month at the Executive Table to peacefully discuss any complications that need solving. So, in a way, I guess the Table controls them.”

“What do you mean by generals? They are military?”

“No, but they do have their own army. A Guild is headed by a general, and he or she is the supreme power of the chapter.”

“Like the president of the United States.”

“More like the president of the US, Canada and Mexico all rolled into one.”

“That’s not possible.”

“Are you done doubting everything I say? It’s really annoying.”

I flipped him the bird, and Egghead punched Gabe on his shoulder.

“What??? She met the American commander. Can we all agree that what I’m saying is in the realm of possibilities?”