I didn’t know who these morons were, but I was done playing with them. The black-haired boy howled as I kicked him in the shin. I was about to run when the giant egghead hauled me off my feet like I was a basket of bread.

“Get away from me. Let me go!” I screamed as I twisted and fought with everything I got.

“Calm down. We’re not here to hurt you,” Egghead laughed as he held me down.

I didn’t believe him, and continued my struggle, only to kick the blond’s pretty face.

“Moose, you shithead, if you’re not going to do your part, give her to Mace.”

“Touch me, and I’ll scream,” I told beanie boy warningly when he was about to grab me.

“Go ahead,” the blond one smirked while he wiped away the blood from his split lip with a handkerchief.

“You’re not helping, asshole.” Egghead looked at him with exasperation as I doubled my struggle.

“Fine. Take your best shot. But if she kicks your nuts, I’ll be the first one to say I told you so,” blondie muttered with an arched eyebrow that made my temper flare.

The boy wore his smugness like a second skin and his arrogance was so overwhelming, it made me want to give him a shiner to go with that fat lip.

The one they called Moose must have read my mind, however, because he squeezed my ribs until I stopped struggling. It was that, or I pass out.

“We’re here to help you,” he stated calmly. “My name’s Eric, but you can call me Moose. The guy you almost neutered is Mace. And the asshat next to him is his brother, Gabe.”

I ignored the other two and focused solely on the boy holding me.

“Help me. How? By kidnapping me?”

“Will you stop with the melodrama? We’re not kidnapping you.”

“What would you call this?”

“This is me protecting my family jewels.”

Blondie cleared his throat. “Children, I’d like to remind you, we’re standing in an alley where anyone can see us. How about we get the hell out of here and go someplace safer?”

“I’m not going anywhere with you.”

“Yes, you are, kid.”

“Oh, really? And why is that?”

“Because you don’t have a choice. If you don’t, the men who are looking for you will find you.”

“How do you know about that?” I stammered in fear. Who were these people?

He looked at me with icy gray eyes. “We don’t have time to go into that. Not here. You can come with us, and I will explain everything, or you can stay here and get killed. I don’t care either way.”

The giant egghead holding me growled, “Stop it, Winthrop. You’re scaring her.”

“Winthrop? As in William Winthrop?” Everyone froze at the name.

“Yes, he’s our father,” the dark-haired boy gritted this through his teeth, making me pale.

“Don’t be afraid. Like I said, we are not here to hurt you.”

“We’re really not. I’m actually the reason you’re standing here,” the blond smiled.
