“There’s more????”

“Yes. My mission was Elizabeth. And you,” I told Saskia.

“Me? What’s special about me?”

“Haven’t you figured it out yet?”

“Would I be asking these fucking questions if I had?”

“Everyone, settle down.” Lizzie tried to coax people into calmness. The last thing we needed right now was for somebody to say something they’d later regret.

You’d think I’d listen and shut the hell up, but no.

“I worked for the same organization as William Winthrop.”

“You what???????” Sass sputtered in complete shock.

“All right, you need to stop this right now, Sarah. This has gone far enough. This isn’t funny anymore.”

“I’m not joking, Tee. You asked me for the truth and I’m telling it to you.”

“That isn’t possible. You were seventeen when you met him. How could you have worked for that monster?” Sass asked.

“I didn’t. I worked for his boss… as his spy.”

A lightbulb went off in her head. “The J.W. scholarship.”

I said nothing.

“You were behind it.”

Again, more silence.

“Did you know?”

“Know what?” Tee asked with panic, unsure what the hell was going on.

“Did you or did you not know what William Winthrop did to me and my family?” she screamed.

By now, Ash and my husband had come back into the room and were witnessing firsthand the entire thing as it was about to go to shit in a second.

“Answer the goddamn question, Sarah. Did you know Birdie and I were going to get attacked that night?”

“Yes.” The look of betrayal on her face cut me in two.

“Why you!”

I couldn’t say I was surprised when she ran up to me and tried to punch my face. Thankfully, my husband hauled her away just as she was about to reach me.


“If you don’t calm the fuck down, I’m going to throw you out of this room,” he thundered.

“Go fuck yourself. Why the hell are you defending this traitor?”

I grabbed his arms just as he was about to put her in her place and gave the men behind him a stand down signal.

I understood my friends’ anger and didn’t begrudge them their feelings of betrayal. But like I’ve said in the past, my actions were necessary.