“Are you talking about sexual things?”
“What? No.” Both exhaled in relief. I hadn’t realized how tense everyone was until that moment.
“I was specialized in information.”
“What kind of information?” Sass inquired suspiciously.
“The kind that lands you on an island fighting for your life.”
“Why didn’t you simply leave?” Birdie intervened for the first time.
“I couldn’t.”
“You’re talking like you were their prisoner,” Sass scoffed, unable to comprehend this could happen to someone she knew in this day and age.
“I was.”
“I’m sorry, but you’re making no sense, babe.” This from Tee.
Here was the moment of truth. It was a long time coming and if I was going to fuck this up, might as well do it with a bang.
“There is a world that exists parallel to ours.”
“What do you mean?”
“I’m talking about a shadow organization known as the Network. I work for them. So do Eric, Asheron, and Gabe.”
“Have you been smoking crack or something? What the hell is wrong with you? Do you really expect me to believe this bullshit? The Network exists in movies or in books. Like the bogeyman or the tooth fairy.”
“She’s telling you the truth,” Lizzie interjected.
“You’re in on this farce too, Birdie?”
I quickly brought the conversation back to me because I didn’t want Lizzie to burn for this shit.
“They recruited me into this organization when I was young,”
“I’m not going to listen to this. If you don’t want to answer my questions, just say so. I don’t appreciate you playing me like this.”
“I’m not playing, Sass.”
“How young are we talking about?” Tee asked unsurely. She knew me enough to know I’d never joke about something like this, but the story was so ludicrous she couldn’t help but be skeptical.
“And what did you do for these people?”
“They needed somebody to keep an eye on Elizabeth. I was ordered to tail her and become her friend.”
“You’re a spy?” I nodded, and the two looked at me in horror.
“Were. Elizabeth’s father worked for a terrible man. The Guild wanted to make sure he behaved.”
“What the hell did you get yourself into, girl?” Tee gawked, dismayed.
“That isn’t all.”