“I could have died. He could have killed me. If Birdie hadn’t been there, I would have.”
“Say something, Mousy. This makes you look so bad,” Tee stated.
“I can’t.”
Sass looked at me with hatred. “You’re dead to me.”
She turned and left the room.
“Mousy? What’s going on? Tell me.”
Every fiber in my body was screaming to tell her all of it, but I couldn’t.
“Go after her, Tee. She needs you right now.”
“But what about you?”
“I’ll be fine,” I panted. “Just go. I need to be alone.”
“Fine, I will call you tomorrow, boo.” Tee looked at me with worry, kissed my cheek, and left.
“I’m sorry, Mousy,” Birdie said.
“So am I, Liz. Please believe that. I never meant to hurt you. Ever.”
“I know. We can talk about this when everyone calms down. You know how hot-headed Sass is.”
“Yeah, I do.”
“We will leave you alone for now. I’ll call you tomorrow.”
“Thank you.” My friend gave me the hug I desperately needed. It chased away the cold I felt for a millisecond.
Eric and Ash shook hands as well before he took his leave. “Thank you for coming through. I appreciated the help, Brother.”
“Pozhaluysta, Komandir. What is family for?”
My husband accompanied the Aslanov to our bedroom’s door and signaled one of the guards to walk them out. He would have done it himself, but he knew I was hanging on by a thread.
The first tear slid down my cheek as Eric locked the door behind my friends. He looked at me pensively before saying, “Why didn’t you tell them the truth?”
“I can’t. Not without telling them what Gabe did.” I furiously wiped away another tear gliding down my face.
“Winthrop is a big boy. He can take the hit.”
“No, he can’t. You and I both know this.” Eric nodded in understanding.
Before you throw a brick at me, you should know I wasn’t behind the scholarship.
When I learned William Winthrop had sent someone after Sass, I tried to get to her, but Gabe knocked me out and tied me down, so I wouldn’t blow my cover and jeopardize everything.
He kept repeating Sass would be fine, that she could defend herself. But sometimes I wondered if he actually believed it.
Don’t let the pretty boy look fool you, Gabriel isn’t like you and me.
Being raised by that maniac damaged him. He really was a cold, arrogant, and ruthless bastard who could fuck you up sideways without blinking an eye. His cruelty and the lengths he will go to get what he wants scared me, and I didn’t scare easily.