Page 88 of You're the One

He debated for two seconds, then showed his brother this phone. “What the hell does that mean?”

“It’s like you’re a newborn,” Ford said. “It means frustration, disgust, sadness, that kind of thing.”

“Well why not say that then?”

Ford just patted him on the shoulder.

You need anything let me know,he texted back.

A smiley face emoji came back. He swore beneath his breath.

They headed to the Lodge after a few beers. He and Ford had the Trainers in their car.

“Can’t imagine what it would be like to have people after you like that constantly,” Luke said.

“I guess she’s used to it, considering?” Jack said.

“How the hell do you get used to that?” Nash snapped.

“She was a track star, then a model, bud. Both things that I’d imagine came with plenty of attention.”

“Still doesn’t make it right. Luna should be allowed downtime.”

“You’re real defensive there, Nash. This happened to you before?”

He shot Joe a look.

“How the hell would anything like this have happened to me?”

“Not sure. Maybe you danced for a ballet company, because to be honest, bud, it’s not like you’re an open book.”

“You can see him in those tights though,” Ford said.

“Whatever.” Nash looked out the windows as the shop lights rolled by.

He was worked up about Luna. Hated that she had no one in her corner, then hated himself for thinking that. The woman had been dealing with this for years, surely she had someone watching over her?

“You sure changed your tune,” Luke said. “You couldn’t stand Luna when she came to town.”

“She’s not bad,” he said.

“Not bad,” Joe mused. “Does that mean you like her a lot, or that she’s okay? Hard to tell, you not being terribly open about stuff.”

Ford, he was pleased to see, was keeping his mouth shut.

“Is there a point to this?” He looked over his shoulder at the three Trainer brothers. Peas in a pod, he thought. Variations of the same person, like he, Ford, and his father were.

“The point, Nash, is people relocate.”


“You and Luna,” Jack added.

“I’m not sure what you’re getting at?”

Luke nudged Joe. “You tell him.”

“Tell me what?” Nash ground out.