Page 87 of You're the One

They slapped hands with the others, and Nash even did a chest bounce with Luke.

Beers were handed out, and he listened to conversations around him while he tried not to think about what Luna was doing.

“Man’s a ground feeder,” he heard Ted say.

“Lowest life form,” Dylan added.

“Who?” Ford asked.

“Both whos, actually,” Dylan said. “Simon Nicks and Doug Baker.”

“And why don’t we like them?” Ford asked.

“Doug Baker was hired by one of the women, as yet unsure who,” Ted added, “to strip for Rory. Due to the alcohol consumption, he then got Miss Sarah’s phone and texted himself photos of Luna rubbing oil on his ass and eating a chocolate penis.”

“What’s with that? Do you see any chocolate breasts hanging about the place?” Luke said. “Women, they have to take things further.”

“Or they’re way more organized than us,” Joe added. To which they all grunted their agreement.

“Getting back to the photos,” Nash said. He was suddenly tense.

“Doug the Douchebag had been approached by Nicks entering the Trainer property. Money changed hands, and the promise was that Doug the Douchebag would send any compromising pictures of Luna to him,” Ted said.

“What!” He hadn’t meant to roar, but it came out that way.

“So this Nicks has been following Luna about for years trying to get dirt on her. She said he’s always had it in for her,” Dylan added.

Ford whistled and pulled out his cell phone. He then tapped and clearly found what he was looking for and handed his phone to Nash.

And there she was. Luna, mouth open, trying to eat a chocolate penis. Next there was her rubbing oil on a man’s ass. She was smiling, but to him didn’t look comfortable.

He had the sudden urge to find the owner of the butt and hurt him badly. Instead, he looked through the comments. Some were mean, but there were some that said Luna could do whatever she wanted, and it was clearly a girls’ night. Others said it was good to see her letting her hair down and having fun.

“How is she?” He looked at Ted and then Dylan.

“Pissed off but holding up. Gracie answered Luna’s cell phone while she was there and talked to this guy called Hugo, who was ranting, and told him it wasn’t polite to yell down the phone.”

“That kid is the best,” Jack said.

“Luna said it would blow over, but Maggie’s not sure,” Fin added. “She’s followed Luna for years and said this stuff has never happened before.”

Nash pulled out his phone and texted his sister.

I need Luna’s phone number.

It came back minutes later with a heart and smiley face emoji.

Nash then texted Luna.

It’s Nash. Are you ok?


I just heard about the photos. I’m sorry that asshole did this to you.

She came back with some kind of screwed up face but no words. What the hell did that mean.

“What?” Ford asked him.