Page 89 of You're the One

“I’m not mentioning that. He’d hit me, and I have that right hook, but he could flatten me is my guess,” Joe said.

The Trainers all looked at him, and then Jack spoke.

“We went out yesterday morning to look at a couple of horses. Went to see Fin on the way home.”

Nash knew instantly what, or should he saywho, they’d seen leaving his place.

“And?” Ford asked.

“And nothing. You all shut up before I make you.”

“No way you could take all of us,” Luke scoffed.

“Want to test that theory?” Nash scowled.

“He is big, but I think we’d take him,” Luke said.

Nash listened to them discussing whether they could take him singularly or as a pack.

“You three are worse than a bunch of little girls,” he threw at them.

“All men back here, bud,” Joe said.

They arrived at the Lodge, and Ford was directed to the back. They parked and headed to the hot tubs. The one they were to use had a table set up beside it with drinks and food. Nash grabbed a beer and drank, needing something to take his mind off Luna.

The night progressedwith Nash alternating between sitting in the hot tub or out of it eating. He enjoyed the banter back and forth between everyone; clearly they’d been friends for years. Jake McBride was a good guy too.

“See that path there?” Ted pointed. “You take that, and you come to several more hot tubs. All private and discreetly hidden behind shrubs or walls.”


“The guests all use them.”

“Again, nice,” Nash said.

“They’re all booked out tonight.”

Nash looked at Ted.

“Is there a point you’re trying to make, Ted?”

“Check the third one along.”

He didn’t move right off. But he was out ten minutes later. Drying off, he hung the towel around his neck and walked. Only Ted noticed.

Nash wondered if everyone in Ryker Falls thought he and Luna were… what? Connected. Interested? Lovers?

He found the third secluded hot tub and opened the door. Luna was in the water. Her cheek was resting on her hands, and her legs floated out behind her.


She sank into the water and turned to look at who’d broken her peace.


“Want some company?”

“Why are you here, Nash?”