Page 84 of You're the One

“I can take it from there, Ted.” Dylan arrived wearing his FBI T-shirt.

Luna watched him look at his daughter; she gave him a wide smile and waved her muesli bar at him. He then placed a hand on his wife’s head, and she sighed and fell into his chest.

God, she wanted that, Luna realized. Someone who cared enough about her to walk into a room, and she be his first thought.

“Ted gave me a call and the number of Doug Baker.”

“Douchebag,” Rory muttered.

“I called him, told him I was FBI and had reason to believe he’d used private photos with nefarious intention.”

“I love it when you speak like that.” Piper’s voice was muffled in her husband’s shirt.

“Doug predictably tried to deny it, even though I found a post on his Instagram. Clearly, he thinks we’re idiots. I laid out a few facts for him, and he saw the light. Seems that someone called Simon Nicks is behind the whole thing.”

Luna hissed out a breath.

“You know him?” Dylan asked.

“He’s been following me for years with his camera.”

“He’s here, as it turns out.”

“Bastard,” she whispered, not wanting Grace to hear. “He hates me and makes my life hell when he can.”

“Well apparently he’s been sniffing around for a while, but keeping a low profile,” Ted added. “I spoke to one of my staff members, and they said Simon Nicks had been here a few times and asked after Luna.”

“I didn’t see him,” Luna said. If she had, she’d have… what? He was within his rights to be here.

“He could have gotten information out of anyone,” Bailey said. “Sitting in Phil’s or someplace else.”

“Seems he did get information that you were going to attend the bachelorette party, Luna,” Dylan said.

“But I hadn’t even decided to go.”

“Well, maybe he watched you leave the Lodge and followed.”

“My head hurts,” Rory moaned.

“He then camped out at the bottom of the Trainers’ drive. He intercepted Doug and paid him one hundred dollars to get photos of you sent to him.”

Luna snorted. “He could have got a lot more than that.”

“Doug is feeling very sorry for himself about now, and worried he’ll end up behind bars. That hundred dollars is going toward the new kindergarten fund,” Dylan said. “And just so we’re clear, I did not mention that prison was a possibility. He came to that conclusion on his own.”

“Thank you all for telling me.” The sick feeling in her belly had gone, knowing no one she’d become close to in Ryker had done this.

“But what can we do, Luna?” Miss Marla asked. “There must be something. Those pictures paint you in a very bad light, and that is just not the case.”

She smiled at all these wonderful people. “There is nothing we can do. It will blow over like everything else does.” But this time, Luna thought, when the wind stopped, something would have changed. Her.

Luna’s cell phone rang and Grace answered it, and it went a long way to show how much she’d changed since arriving in Ryker Falls that she let her.