Page 83 of You're the One

She caught sight of herself in the mirror. Her hair was unbrushed, clothes creased. She looked pale.

“Oh, Luna. I’m so sorry about those photos.” Miss Marla was crying.

“Stop crying, Marla,” her sister said. “We need to fix this, not weep about it!”

“Maybe I’ll explain, seeing as you all told me what had happened and are clearly suffering after your night’s entertainment,” Ted said.

All the women nodded.

“Look.” Luna held up a hand. “It’s okay, really—”

“It’s not okay!” Charlie shrieked.

“Bring it down a bit, Charlie,” Rory winced. Piper nodded her agreement.

“You’ve obviously seen the photos that were taken last night at the bachelorette party.”

Mandy arrived, stumbling in the door. Her hair was a mess and her face white.

“Honey, I told you I had this covered,” Ted said, tucking the label of her shirt in.

“I just felt I should be here.” She clutched his hand. “I was there last night.”

“From what I can gather after all the reports, of which there were many and detailed,” Ted began, “after you left, Luna, things got hazy, and the alcohol flowed.”

“We had tequila races,” Rory said slowly. “In a row each side of Bailey’s table.”

“The stripper, who we have found out is called Doug Baker—”

“Or douchebaguette,” Mandy muttered.

“That’s the female version of douchebag, baby,” Ted said.

“Is it?” Miss Marla asked. “I did not know that.”

“Me either,” Piper said.

“It’s in the urban dictionary,” Rory added.

“Anyway,” Ted said. “Baker stayed and ate some of the party food and joined in for a few of the tequila games—”

“Did he drive under the influence?” Bailey frowned.

“Let’s focus here.” Ted sighed, and she had no reason to giggle, but Luna felt it rise up in her.

“Why are you laughing?” Charlie demanded.

“I-I don’t know.” She kept laughing, falling onto the bed next to Grace.

“Slap her,” Piper said.

“N-No.” Luna hauled in a breath. Grace patted her head as on the TV a pink pig snorted. “I’m okay.” She stood again.

Ted gave her a sympathetic smile. “It’s the crazy that you learn to love.”

“I can imagine you do,” Luna said.

“Right. No one speak again.” He leveled everyone with a look. Mandy was now resting on his arm, eyes closed. “Baker took advantage of Miss Marla. He asked if she would like him to take some photos on her cell phone. From there, he then sent the ones of you to his cell phone.”