Page 85 of You're the One

Chapter 20

Nash cursed as he swung and missed the nail and hit his finger with the hammer. He’d spent the day since Luna had left working on the house. He’d left his phone in the cabin deliberately because he didn’t want to speak to anyone. What he wanted was a woman he couldn’t have, and wasn’t that just hilarious.

Him. The grumpy guy with zero social skills and a need for solitude wanted a woman who likely had millions in her bank account and lived her life in front of a camera.

“Hilarious,” he muttered.

Eventually thirst and hunger drove him to the cabin. His phone was ringing when he walked in.

“Winter,” he said, holding his phone between his shoulder and chin as he opened the fridge.

“The girls played last night; it’s our turn now. Be at A.S. at six. We’re starting early.”

“How did you get my phone number?” he asked Joe.

“Your sister.”

“Why am I going to your bar?”

“Jack’s bachelor party. We’ll have a few, then go to the Lodge, so bring your trunks for the hot tub.”

“Do I have to come? I mean, I’ve played nice and been socializing. Can’t I just stay home?”

Joe laughed. “Your brother is coming,” he added and then hung up.

Nash ate a sandwich and drank about a gallon of water while he told himself he was not going to Jack Trainer’s bachelor party. When Ford drove up, he was showered and dressed in clean jeans and a shirt.

He’d battled between going and not going, and then decided going would help him forget about Luna and her lovely long legs and the moans she’d made as he sank deep inside her.


He was really hoping that when she left town, he’d forget about her. Nash had a bad feeling he wouldn’t.

“Let’s go,” Ford yelled out the window.

Nash got in and threw his bag in the back seat.

“We see each other every day at work. I’m getting real tired of your face.”

“Love you too, bro.”

He rested his head on the back of the seat and watched the scenery.

“What’s wrong, Nash?”

“Why do you think something is wrong?”

“I know you. Something’s up.”

Why not?

“You remember we talked about opening up and discussing life-changing events?”

“Yeah.” He felt Ford’s eyes on him.

“I feel like things are out of my control at the moment.” The words sound stilted and like a rusty door hinge. Baring his soul, it was fair to say, was not a strength of Nash’s.

“And that’s a bad thing?”