It was only then that I noticed the car sat outside the house, I frowned at the shadow in the back.


“Hey Kay!”

“Ugh Evan.” I held my hand over my ear “too loud”

He leaned forward in his seat as soon as I sat down.

“Ready for an adventure?”

I yawned and leaned back in the seat, turning the heater to full. “Yay.” I grumbled.

We drove for about half an hour, I was just dozing off when Ty pulled up and turned the engine off. I peeked around him and saw that it was one of the houses that Hugo had been to the other day when we were following him.

“What are we doing here?” I whispered.

The house was dark, the only sign of life was a light in the security booth.

“You’ll see,” Ty whispered back.

I turned to Evan, he had his laptop open on his lap and was tapping away at the keyboard. A frown marred across his brow with his tongue sticking out just slightly.

I wished that I had grabbed a jacket or even a blanket, now that the heating was turned off I could feel the chill in the air. I rubbed my hands up and down my arms for warmth looking out the window in the same direction as Ty.

His eyes kept moving from the security booth to his phone. The house wasn’t just a house, it was a mansion. Gated all the way round complete with those fancy balconies. A giant fountain sat in the middle of the circular driveway. I was awed when I saw it in daylight, but somehow it looked so much grander in the dark.

“Why do they have a security guard anyway? It’s not like they’re in a bad area-”

“Now.” Ty said and opened his door.

I looked back at Evan confused but he just held his hand out.


“Put it in your ear.” He didn’t look up from the screen, just kept on typing.

“Come on.” Ty waved.

I took the small ear piece and put it in my ear as I opened up the door.

“I need someone small to get over the fence without being noticed,” Ty said and pulled something out of his pocket. I followed him to the edge of the fence and dipped low when he did.

“There’s a computer in there,” he whispered pointing at the security box “You’ll have three minutes to put this in and download whatever files are on there.” He held his hand out, I took what he held and realized that it was a USB stick.

“You want me to climb that fence?” I squeaked. He raised his brows in answer, I took that as a yes.

“Kay?” Evan’s voice rang through the ear piece.

“Dammit Evan, you scared me.” I whispered and rested my hand on my chest catching my breath.

“Sorry,” he chuckled.

Ty made a come here motion with his hand and I went to him, he gripped my hand and together we went up to a part of the fence that was covered with trees.

Movement in the booth grabbed my attention, I watched as a man dressed in a black suit came out and spoke over a radio.

Ty started to make loads of different gestures with his hands, tilting my head to the side I wondered for a second what he was trying to say. The more he moved his hands in the air the funnier he looked.