“He has. They all have.”

“You look happy.”

I breathed deep.

“I am. For the first time I feel free. I don’t have to worry about-” I pinched my lips together. I didn’t want to start that train of thought.

“So,” she raised her brows “Tell me all about him.”


I was sleeping soundly when something shook me awake. Rolling over I mumbled something and clutched onto my pillow. I didn’t want to wake up, I was having a dream which made a change b

ecause normally it would be a nightmare.


“Go away.” I groaned.

“Kay, I need you to come with me.”

“I’m sleeping,” I whined, he answered me with a chuckle.

Ty had slept in here every night since my nightmares began, he only ever came in when he heard me shout. But tonight I hadn’t shouted out at all. This was a good thing right?

So why did I feel sad that Ty hadn’t gotten into bed with me?

The bed dipped with his weight, his hand cupped the side of my face and turned it towards him.

“It’s for a job.” I cracked my eyes open.


“Yeah,” his hand moved from my face as he stood. It was then that I noticed he was still dressed in his work gear, he held his hand out. I frowned at what he held.

“Your clothes,” he placed them on the bed and walked to the door.

“Be ready in five” he rapped his knuckles on the door frame twice and left the room.

I stared at the dark empty space he left behind, I couldn’t believe he was dragging me out of bed just when I was having some undisturbed sleep.

If Eli hadn’t of been staying with Luke for the night then I would have had the perfect excuse to not be able to go. He’d stayed over a couple of times now and I knew that he would be looked after there so I didn’t need to worry.

Didn’t mean that I didn’t worry, just that I had no reason to.


“Jeez! Okay!” I shouted back and rolled out of bed.

I pulled on the jeans and shirt I took off a few hours ago and shuffled down the stairs to throw on my chucks, Ty was waiting at the open front door for me.

“What’s going on?” I mumbled.

“Need to do some surveillance,” he pulled the door closed behind us.


“Daley.” he said jogging down the steps.