I grinned and stifled a giggle “I don’t know what that means” he rolled his eyes and widened his stance.

“I’ll help you jump over” He hoisted me up and literally threw me in the air, I grabbed hold of the breaks in the fence and shuffled my way up.

“You could have warned me,” I whisper shouted, then I heard a beep. I froze.

“Setting the time.” Ty whispered.

Right, that made sense.

I was better at climbing than I thought and was at the top in no time.

“Soft landing and roll.” What the hell did that mean? I took a leap and landed square on my feet, pins and needles shooting up my legs. Crouching low as a bright light shone I waited for it to pass by me.

“Go” Ty urged me. I made a run for it, straight to the booth.

“Put the USB in the side of the computer.” Damn, I forgot that Evan was in my head.

I did as he said and waited, constantly checking over my shoulder. I was sure that someone would come back and I’d be caught and kidnapped or maybe worse.

The laptop pinged and a box popped up with a password to enter.

“It wants a password.”

“Shit. Okay wait a minute let me try and figure this out.” My hands started to shake as I watched.

Why would Evan assume that we wouldn’t need a password? This whole thing didn’t feel so organized, the longer I stood here the more I was sure I would get caught.

My hands were numb from the cold, I shook my hands out and tried to get some feeling back in them.

“Okay type. 6nefj78bdg65.” I did and then the box disappeared, replaced by a line with a loading bar.

“It worked.” I jumped up and did a little dance nearly knocking over the lamp. I scrambled to save it before it crashed to the floor, straightening it and scanning outside the booth.

“Kay? You good?”

“Yeah, sorry” I cleared my throat and watched the bar load.

“Sixty seconds” Ty’s voice said in my head.

It said fifty percent loaded and then slowed right down.

“Forty five seconds,” oh god, it wasn’t going to load in time.

“Thirty seconds,” it was up to ninety five percent now.

“Ten seconds,” the laptop pinged and I pulled the USB out. I scanned the area and saw nothing so made a mad dash for the fence, where I thought Ty was.

The only problem was that Ty had given me a hand up.

How was I meant to get back over the fence?

“Ty?” I croaked.

“I got you,” his hands came through the fence and interlocked making a step for me to haul myself up from.

I placed my foot on it then hoisted myself up. I scaled the fence again jumping straight into Ty’s arms, he caught me with ease and didn’t bother to put me down instead he ran back to the car.

He let me