Raya steps back away from us. “No! Don’t come over.” Melanie and I look at each other and then back at Raya. “Everything alright at home?” I step toward her, hoping she understands I want her to open up and let me in.

“Yeah, everything’s fine. Sorry, it’s just the house is still a mess; you know, moving, and we haven’t finished putting all of the stuff away.”

Melanie seems to buy her excuse but I don’t. “Oh, okay. Well, find out and let us know. We can pick you up and drive you home afterward.” Melanie gives her a quick hug and kisses my cheek. “I’ll call you later. Okay, babe?”

“Yes, see you later, sweetie”

Melanie heads off to her next class, leaving me and Raya in the halls. “So, you want to tell me why you’re lying to me?”

“Duke, trust me. Everything is fine. I’ll ask about the party and let you know. Give me your phone.” She reaches out her palm as I give her my phone and she plugs her number into my contacts list. She takes a quick selfie and gives it back to me as she offers a small smile. “I’ll text you.” She walks off to class and glances back at me, just as she turns the corner. I look at the picture she took and she’s absolutely breathtaking. Just a hint of a smile, but it’s stunning. All I see are her precious blues and I can stare at them all day. I press the call button and listen to the ringing until she answers it.


“Good, now you have my number. I’m assuming you needed it if you were planning on texting me.” I hear her laugh through the phone and I laugh in return. “Oh, yeah! Ha-ha! I’m a dumb ass.”

“No, you’re not. You’re brilliant.”

“You’re so sweet. Melanie is very lucky. Okay, I’m almost at English class. I gotta go. Bye.” She hangs up before I even have time to respond. Hearing her smile makes my heart beat a little faster. Suddenly, I’m looking forward to the party and I really hope she makes it.


Climbing off the bus, I continue my trek home from school. I need to talk to my mother, and hopefully I can figure out a way to go to Austin’s party tomorrow. I’m really excited about it. I can’t believe Melanie asked me to go. When I met her, I immediately thought she was going to be a bitch to me, but she’s the complete opposite. She has been so great and has tried to break my shell. English class would not be the same without her. I’m happy I can trust her and have a feeling that we are going to be great friends. I can see why Duke is with her. She’s beautiful and so caring for others. Her personality is fresh, smart, witty, and she’s naturally sexy. I wish I had her confidence and poise. One can only dream, right?

And then there’s Duke. Ever since the first day of Forensics, I’ve been drawn to him. He constantly makes me smile and I can’t help but feel butterflies whenever he’s around. Even during Calculus, I can feel his eyes on me which causes my heart to skip. I know it’s wrong since he’s with Melanie, but I can’t help it. Even when I feel terrible and Craig puts me in a sour mood, Duke’s smile makes me feel a hundred times better. Holy shit! I can’t believe I gave him my number. The thought of him calling me makes me smile and I practically skip the rest of the way home.

As I walk up our driveway, I notice Craig’s car is not parked in the driveway. He must be stuck at work late tonight. Thank goodness. I cannot deal with him today.

“Mom, I’m home.”

I place my bag down in the foyer and stroll into the kitchen to find my mom. She’s in the kitchen, preparing dinner, and I walk up behind her and embrace her in a hug.

“Hi, darling. How was school?” She turns and kisses my cheek. Just as I’m about to respond, I notice a bruise on her face and my blood boils. I reach up to touch her face and she flinches. “Mom, what did that fucker do to you?”

“Raya, don’t use that tone with me. Craig and I got into a little argument, but it’s not as bad as it looks.”

“Seriously, Mom? Your face is bruised. Why do you stay with him? Let’s just leave—right now—you and me,” I plead with her but she doesn’t budge.

“And go where? We have no money, no transportation, and no other family. Besides, you need to finish school.”

“Don’t give me excuses, Mom. We can get jobs and I can focus on school once we’re established.”

She turns back to the stove and continues cooking. “Raya, this is not your decision. Craig provides for us and I will not abandon him.”

That’s it; now I’m pissed. “Mom, he beats you! How can you stay with him? He does not deserve you.” My words have not affected her; she just continues to cook, which pisses me off even more.

“Mom, when I turn eighteen, I promise you we are leaving. I don’t care what you say. I cannot stay here for the rest of my life, constantly fearful and cautious of everything we do. It is not living; it’s torture. Mom, I want to take care of you. Don’t you want to be happy?” I turn her around to face me and she has tears in her eyes.

“Of course, darling. I want us to be happy.” She sniffles and I grab a tissue and wipe the tears from her eyes and face.

“I will get us out of here and we will never look back. Just give me a few more months to save up some more cash.” I give her a reassuring smile and hug her with all of my love. I can’t live without her and will do everything I can to protect her.

I see the flashes of headlights and hear Craig’s car pulling into the driveway. Fuck! I’m not ready to face him yet. I finish cleaning my mother’s face and begin to set the table as she finishes cooking dinner. The front door opens and in enters the asshole.

“Genna, that smells delicious. What’s for dinner?” He enters the kitchen and gives my mom a peck on the cheek. He completely ignores me. Good, keep it that way. He doesn’t deserve my attention.

“Eggplant parmesan with angel hair pasta and garlic bread. Dinner will be ready in a few minutes. How was work?”

“It went smooth today. I had a meeting