I snatch the pillow from her hands and raise it above her head so she can’t reach it even if she tried. “Ha-ha, I can’t believe you watch this. You and my mom can have daily chats and discuss the diabolical Stefano.”

She laughs so hard that it causes her to cough terribly. Grabbing her, I pull her into my chest as she coughs out the sickness. “Come on, sweetie, let’s get you to bed. You need your rest.” She smiles at me and shakes her head in agreement. I kiss her forehead and gather her up into my arms and walk upstairs to her bedroom. Laying her down gently, I pull the covers over her to ensure she’s fully covered and warm.

Her sleepy eyes look up at me, “Duke, stay with me, please.” How can I resist that?

“Of course, sweetie. I’m here.” I lie down on top of the blanket and snuggle behind her as we spoon. Taking in a deep breath, I recognize the scent of her coconut shampoo and notice she’s already fallen asleep. As I close my eyes for a quick nap, Raya’s face and brilliant blue eyes flash before me as I drift away into slumber.

It’s been three weeks since the incident in Calculus and Raya is avoiding me. She talks to Rob and me during Forensics but I can tell she’s completely closed off. She doesn’t talk about her life at home and doesn’t start up conversations unless she has to. Melanie had no luck with getting through to Raya, either. She’s invited her to hang out after school and they even share a class together. Even though Melanie got shot down a few times, I am grateful for her even trying.

Halloween is fast approaching and I know Melanie will want to dress up together. Great, another couple’s costume. I hate those things. I don’t understand the point of them. Austin’s party is tomorrow and I don’t want to go because I’m not a fan of big crowds. I’d rather just grab a few beers and hang out with the guys. Maybe I can convince Melanie to just stay home with me.

Thank god it’s Friday; I can’t wait for the weekend. It’s been one hell of a week. Jose has been a huge dick ever since Raya showed up. He does it just to piss me off and Raya lets him get away with it. One of these days, I’m going to lose my shit and he’s going to suffer the consequences.

As I walk to the corner bodega to grab my bacon, egg, and cheese on a roll, I pop in the ear buds and select the 90s R&B playlist. I love old school R&B—Boys II Men, Keith Sweat, Brian McKnight—you can’t get any better than that.

“Hey, Javier, can I get the usual?” I walk up to the deli counter and pay for my breakfast roll and grab a Gatorade. Javier has owned this bodega for the past five years and they have the best breakfast sandwiches—so fresh, mouthwatering, and fuckin’ delicious.

“Sure thing, Duke. When are you going to try something new? How about an everything bagel with ham and cheese?” Javier grabs a bagel, hinting toward me.

“Come on, man, you know I can’t live without bacon.” We both laugh and he begins making my sandwich. Looking at my watch, I realize I’m running late. “Shit, Javier, I need that roll now. I’m going to be l

ate to class.”

He gives me a puzzled glance. “Since when are you so worried about getting to class on time? What class is it?”

“Forensics and I’ve got to get moving.” I walk outside and listen for the subway, hoping I don’t miss the train. Javier hollers for me and I run back inside to grab my breakfast and jet to the subway station. As I run through the toll booth, the train pulls up just in time and I run through the opening doors and grab a seat. Whew! That was close. I chuckle to myself, pull out my sandwich, and plug my ear buds back in.

As I stroll into Forensics class, Rob is already there talking to Gina—his new conquest. I swear this guy never quits. Gina is cute, slender with light brown short hair. Her haircut is a pixie style and looks good on her. She’s wearing a short skirt and knee high tights. Damn, she must be freezing. Teen girls—they always think showing skin will get a guy’s attention. I give him a quick nod as I approach our table and take a seat. Mr. Cerillo strolls in and Raya is right behind him. Her hair is up in a high bun and she is wearing a pair of blue jeans and a light blue blouse with a hint of pink. I give her a quick smile as she sits next to me.

“Hey, Duke. It’s freezing outside. I don’t understand why girls are still wearing skirts.” She grabs her books out of her book bag and places them on the table. Taking her hair out of her bun, she fans her fingers through it, then she ties her hair in a quick braid and lets it hang on the side. Turning to look at me, the look on her face is priceless. “Why are you staring at me? Something on my face?”

“You just surprised me. You haven’t really talked much for the past few weeks. I’m happy to see you smile again.” I look deep into her crystal blue eyes and get lost in them. I didn’t realize how much her happiness means to me until I saw her smile again. I feel fuckin’ fantastic right now. We sit here looking at each other in a comfortable silence until Mr. Cerillo begins the class and Rob sits down next to me.

“Okay, class, today we are going to learn how to estimate time of death by examining the body—signs of insects, color of the skin, smell, and temperature of the body. We are going to watch a quick video, so please no talking during the movie.” He gets up to press play on the TV remote and walks over to the wall to turn of the light switch and the classroom gets fairly dark. Jason, one of my lacrosse teammates, jokingly yells from the back of the class, “But I’m scared of the dark!” The whole class erupts into laughter, even Mr. Cerillo. Looking over at Raya, her laugh is loud—almost like a cackle. It’s different but cute. We all quiet down as the movie starts. Am I paying attention? Nope, not even close. Rob leans over to me and whispers, “I take it she’s feeling better?” I glance at him and nod my head and he smiles back. I can tell he cares about her, too, and I’m lucky to have such a great friend in him.

The movie finishes ten minutes later and we begin our assignments. Mr. Cerillo passes out worksheets and advises us to complete our work in groups. Rob, Raya, and I dive right in. Raya grabs the sheet and states the first question. “Okay. Male, age unknown, body and limbs are stiff, no signs of maggots. What do you guys think?”

“I think this is some fucked up gross shit and I’m going to be sick. That video was nasty.”

Rob does look sickly and I slap him on the back. “Suck it up. We have to finish this.”

Rob grunts and lets out a loud sigh. “Fine, let’s hurry up before I puke up my breakfast.”

Raya and I laugh as we focus on the remaining questions. Before we know it, class is over and we head over to Calculus. Jose isn’t in class today—lucky for him. Mrs. Robinson passes out the unit test which I completely forgot about. Fuck my life. I need to pass this class and can’t lose my scholarship. I finish the test in under an hour and hope that it’s good enough. Hey, I did my best—that’s what matters. As I gather up my things to give Mrs. Robinson the test, I realize I am the last one in class; even Raya is gone. Damn, I wanted to talk to her.

I exit the classroom and begin walking toward the locker room and suddenly Raya and Melanie call after me. “Hey, sweetie. How was class?”

I give Melanie a quick hug and a kiss. “It was okay, another test. I hope I passed.”

She turns to Raya and smiles. “Looks, like you are feeling better. So, I wanted to ask you…do you want to come to Austin’s costume party with us tomorrow?” Raya’s eyes grow big and bright as her face shines.

“Seriously, you’re inviting me to a party?” Her voice is ecstatic and high-pitched. She’s definitely excited about this.

“Of course, Raya. Why not? You’re our friend.” She gives Raya a small hug. “Come on, you should come with us.”

Raya frowns and looks down at her feet. “I’m not sure if I can. I’d have to ask my mom and step-dad.”

“Do you want me to come over and talk to them with you?” Melanie is so sweet and nurturing.