with a new client who can really expand the company’s portfolio, so I’m hoping they sign on to the project.” Craig grabs a six-pack from the refrigerator and sits at the table, opening the first beer and taking a gulp. I hate it when he drinks—can’t fucking stand it. His monstrous personality becomes ten times worse and then he gets physical. Maybe I shouldn’t even bother asking about the party. I don’t want to cause any chaos tonight.

My mom serves dinner and we eat in silence. As I continue to eat, my phone vibrates in my jeans pocket. It only vibrates for a few seconds so it has to be a text. Could it be Duke? Just the thought of him texting me makes me giggle out loud.

“Something funny, Raya?” Craig has already put away three beers and his tone is heavy and dark.

“Nothing, just thinking about something that happened in school today.” I quickly retreat into finishing my plate and avoid Craig’s death stare. Can’t he mind his fuckin’ business?

Craig doesn’t push any further which is a relief. He must be in a good mood today. After dinner, I clean the table and wash the dishes with my mother. Craig goes downstairs to the basement to watch the Jets game. Another thing I hate about Craig—he’s a Jets fan. Everyone knows New York’s team is the Giants.

As we are putting away the dishes, I glance at my phone and see that it was Duke who texted me. My heart flutters and I know I have a huge smile on my face.

“So, what’s his name?” My mom whispers just in case Craig has supersonic hearing. There’s nothing I would hide from her. She and I talk like sisters and I’m so lucky to have a mom like her.

“His name is Duke and he’s a senior. We share a couple classes and he’s so handsome. All of the girls in school want him. He’s also captain of the lacrosse team.”

“So, basically what you’re telling me is the hottest and most popular guy in school is texting my daughter?”

I start to get nervous. Maybe she won’t approve? “Ummm, I guess if you put it that way.”

She pulls me into a hug and kisses the top of my head. “I’m very happy for you, Raya. Did he ask you out?”

My joy quickly dissipates as I tell Mom about Melanie. Yes, secretly I wish Duke were single, but I’m glad Melanie treats him right and he’s happy. That’s all that matters. Seeing him happy makes me happy.

“So, Mom, I have something to ask you.” I figured what the hell; just ask and stop being a chicken shit. “So, there’s this Halloween party tomorrow and I was invited. Melanie and Duke can pick me up and drop me off.”

“Where is the party at and what time do you expect to be home?”

“Actually, I don’t know the exact location. It’s at Austin’s house; he’s a teammate of Duke’s. Mom, please. I promise I won’t stay out too late.”

“What about work?”

I have a part-time job at the local Barnes & Noble. I love that place; I consider it my second home. Even on days that I have scheduled off, I still find myself there, finding a nice spot in the corner and reading for hours on end until they kick me out.

“The party starts at eight so I should be done with work by then.” I give my mom a begging look hoping that my ‘puppy eyes’ work on her.

“Craig has a conference this weekend in Boston, so he’s leaving early in the morning. You can go on three conditions. No drinking, and please, no unprotected sex. I’m aware you’re old enough to make smart decisions. And I want you home at a decent hour.”

I hold in my squeal of joy, so Craig can’t hear, and give my mom a bear hug. “Please, Mom, I know. And I’m not planning on drinking. You know I hate it.”

I head upstairs to my room and shut the door behind me. Taking out my phone, I look at Duke’s text.

Me: So, tomorrow? Yes?

I quickly respond.

Raya: Yes. I can go. Tell Melanie. Eeeeekkk!?

I jump on the bed and giggle out loud. My first party ever! I’m freaking out right now. Shit, I haven’t even been to a birthday party, unless I was too young and can’t remember. My phone vibrates a few minutes later with Duke’s response.

Me: Nice! Can’t wait! What’s your costume?

Shit! I don’t have one. How can I go without a costume? And I’m sure all of the stores don’t have any more or they only have the crappy costumes left in stock.

Raya: Ummm…I don’t have one.?

Me: Shit.

Raya: I know! How can I find one so fast and I work tomorrow morning so I won’t have time to shop.