I shrug.
He turns back to Asher.
"I’m in the middle of season four! I make the coolest dalek drawnings.”
“Really? Let's see 'em! I own the fourth doctors…”
I’ve officially lost him. He and Ben are off in some fantasy world that I know nothing about.
I narrow my gaze, taking in the oddness of it all.
Asher seems to be enjoying himself.
Ben is too.
I don't know what to make of that.
“I’ll, uh, be right back,” I mumble, but they’re both too busy to hear.
This is insane.
I head inside and quickly grab a garbage bag before rushing up the stairs. I throw the door to my bedroom wide open and quickly shut it behind me. I assess the job, taking a brief moment to gaze upon the familiar space before getting to work.
Years and years of posters, pictures of Let's Go and Asher Montgomery everywhere.
I don't know under what circumstance he'd actually come up here, but I also never thought he'd be downstairs either.
Better safe than sorry.
In a crazy, frenzied-like fashion I tear it all down. I stuff poster after poster into the trash bag like a complete lunatic, and I don't stop until all the walls are completely bare.
Soon all that remain are leftover pieces of tape that I'll deal with later.
I rush back downstairs and get rid of the evidence in the garage, leaning against the door and letting out a huge sigh.
I brush my hands off against my shorts before heading back in, and when I do Asher is there.
"Hey everything okay?" He's on the other side of the garage door as I open it.
I quickly right myself like I'm caught doing something wrong, which really isn't far off.
"Yeah totally!" I'm totally not composed. "What - uh - are you doing?"
"Ben was just getting some stuff to show me," he stuffs his hands in his pockets as we make our way into the kitchen. "What about you? Where did you disappear to?"
"Uh nothing- nowhere."
"You had to go rip my posters off your wall, didn't you?" He teases. I mean it's clear that he's joking.
But crap I'm going to have a heart attack.
Thank god Ben returns. I think I flush more red than the tomato in the salad Mom's putting together, and my laugh is both the most awkward and worst thing I've ever heard.
Ben drags Asher back outside, and I slump into a chair at the table.
Mom stops what she's doing and stares.
I hear the utensils drop with a clank against the counter, and even though I'm not looking her way I can picture her arms crossed and the expression on her face.
Minutes pass.
I finally look up.
Just say whatever it is already!
“I never would have thought,” she shakes her head. “Not in a million years.”
“Crazy, huh?” I bite my lip.
Yes, so crazy that someone like Asher Montgomery could be into me.
She neglects the prep and sits in the chair across from me. “Travis-”
“Doesn't know. Not that there's anything to know!We're just friends." I sigh.
Mom remains silent.
“I tried to break up with him, but it didn’t take,” I roll my eyes at how stupid I sound. “I've laid all the groundwork though. It'll be officially over by the end of the weekend.”
“If that’s what you want.” She attempts to appear non-committal but I sense her approval.
Then she pauses.
“What?” I groan.
“Does breaking up with Travis have anything to do with him out there?” she nods in Asher's direction.
“No.” I'm confident. Breaking up with Travis has nothing to do with Asher. "No." I repeat.
But mostly no.
She sits back, contemplating.
I do the same.
Travis and I have been over for a long time. All Asher did was give me the push I so desperately needed.
Besides, whatever is happening between us doesn't matter. It's not like we can be together. It's not like I’m not breaking up with Travis so I can be with Asher.
I stare through the glass door.
Asher just happened to spark all the feelings I want to feel with someone.
He made the fantasy real.
He looks up and catches me staring. I quickly look away.
I think Mom notices.
“Sure,” she laughs.
Okay she definitely saw that.
I redden.
She stands and pats me on the back before returning to the food.
I know she never liked Travis. Even though she never actually came out and said it. She just insinuated it.
"We are happy to have you home until you find a new place and figure things out."
I look up only to throw my head down. Even she knows there's no way I’ll be able to afford an apartment in the city on my own.
I have to move back home.
A different kind of hell.
“Just be careful with him,” I peek through my fingers as she looks in Asher's direction.
“What's that supposed to mean?” I sit up, and when she says nothing I scowl. “We're just friends!"
“He’s a lot older.”
“Five years. It’s not that big of a deal!”