Page 46 of Starstruck

“He’s experienced a lot more than you have.”

I give her another look. I don’t know what that means. I’m sure she’s reading into rumors and gossip magazines. Granted most of which are probably true, but still!

“Just because he’s been more places than I have gives him a one up, if anything. Besides, maybe I want to experience more things.”

Now she gives me a look. She hates that idea.

“You don’t know what you want.”

I narrow my stare.

“You don’t have to figure it out now,” she coos another one of her common replies.

I roll my eyes. I'm over talking about this.

With limited choices I head back outside. I’d rather watch Dad flip burgers and listen to Ben and Asher talk about things I don’t understand than get lectured about things others don't think I understand.

It's a lose-lose.

All things considered brunch is going well.

Asher is getting along nicely with my family. He’s a natural.

Hell, I can’t believe he’s here with my family!

Or how they're acting so normal. Minus the sly looks Mom is shooting every now and then.

I feel like I can't even look at Asher without her analyzing it so I don't. I stare at my plate until my head feels like it's going to explode.

Meanwhile Ben has not stopped talking. The weirder thing is Asher doesn’t seem to mind. It makes me wonder what exactly happened last night.

When Mom starts talking to Dad I finally look his way. I wasn't expecting to find him already staring. It's as if he's been waiting, his eyes a green fire as they meet mine. I wonder if he can tell what I'm burning to know.

I take the last bite of my burger as the question flickers in my mind. I see the words flashing faster and faster until they're a smoldering blaze.

What happened? What happened? What happened?

"You okay?"

Everyone looks at me and I quickly snap out of it. I nod as I clear my throat.

“Yes.” I clear my throat again. “So Dad, I brought my laptop with me.”

“I’ll take a look at it.”

“What’s wrong with it?” Asher tries to catch my stare but I can't do it.

“The dreaded blue screen keeps popping up and it’s ruining my life,” I take a second helping of macaroni salad, once again feeling Mom's stare.

Between her and Asher I'm being sandwiched with curious looks.

“Don’t be so dramatic,” she hisses.

“That’s happened to me before,” Asher frowns. “I usually just get a new one.”

Dad and Ben offer confused looks because why would anyone do something so absurd?

Because he's Asher Montgomery. He likely has never had to pay for a computer before, let alone have to wait for someone to fix it.

Dad is too nice to make him feel bad, but Ben outwardly tells him that he's just plain stupid. I can’t help my laugh. It's that Harris charm, telling it like it is. Luckily Asher thinks it's funny too.

Dad scolds Ben.

He doesn’t like to make anyone feel less important, and he’ll never let anything go. Not if the potential for an equally important lesson of any kind is there to be learned.

Once he's done reprimanding Ben he explains to Asher how he can fix the problem in the future… of course in technical terms none of us understand. We all listen and politely nod, but as usual his words go in one ear and out the other.

When I look over at Asher I'm prepared to see how bored he is.

Only he's not.

His forehead is creased, his expression intent, like he’s actually trying hard to get it. He's being... kind and respectful.

Dad gets so excited talking about this stuff, and Asher has willingly fallen into his trap.

Soon Dad is promising him a full demonstration in his office once we’re done eating. Mom and I share a look. We both know Asher has really done himself in. I’m about to make an excuse for him, so he doesn’t have to sit through it, but stop. He actually seems sort of excited. Mom shakes her head so I sit back and remain quiet, watching as yet another crazy Asher Montgomery moment plays out before me.

How he bonds with my Dad.

I volunteer to get dessert ready. If I remain busy I won't dwell on last night.

I'm wrong.

I can't get the what ifs out of my head.

Mom clears the table while Asher, Dad, and Ben head to the basement.

I place the cake on a stand and look for something to put Asher's cookies on.

“You don’t remember inviting me, do you?” Asher’s voice startles me. I smack my head on the cabinet door as I stand. "Shite are you okay?" He rushes to my side.

"Ow, yeah," I grab my forehead and he leads me to one of the kitchen island stools.

"Do you have ice?"


"No you don't have ice?"

"No I don't remember inviting you," I roll my eyes. "I don’t normally drink that much. I had a rough day.”