Page 44 of Starstruck

I'm startled awake as Mom yells for someone to come help her inside. Ben and I start arguing over who should go. I loose since I’m never home.

I kick his chair as I pass by.

Ten year olds are the worst.

Soon Mom has me cutting up fruit. I do a sloppy and quick job, eager to get back to my nap.

I grab the last of the watermelon as the doorbell rings. My hands are deep in juice, so she runs to get it.


I amazingly balance the fruit platter in one arm and burger buns in the other as I head for the back door.

“Elle!” she shouts, and I freeze just before I grab the handle. My head is still pounding. Her voice is too loud.

With a huff I turn around. Still balancing everything I make my way to the front door now.

“Wh-” I start to yell, but halfway into the room I follow her stare and drop everything.

Asher Montgomery is standing in the doorway of my parents’ home holding a platter of cookies.

He’s as embarrassed as I am shocked. Then a flashback hits. I drunkenly invited him last night.

I'm pretty sure I was on his lap while doing so.

And he actually showed up!

“Hi,” his voice is smooth and wary.

“Do you know you are?” Mom’s shock is about five octaves too high.

I give her an annoyed look. No one seems to care that there's watermelon all over the floor. I don't know what to do first, especially as she starts making these crazy weird noises.

“Um,” I shoot her another look before turning to Asher. “Come in,” I redden. “And if you could excuse us for just one sec.”

"Should I-" he stares at the mess.

"Leave it."

I take my mom by the arm and pull her into the adjacent family room. Her face is a mix of amazement and confusion. “Do you know who that is?” her eyes are wide. She's in shock. “Of course you do!” She shakes her head utterly flabbergasted.

“Shh! Mom!” I beg.

“That’s Asher Montgomery!” She fusses with her apron before fixing her hair.

Oh god.

“I’m aware,” I pinch the top of my nose.

She's back to making these little squealing sounds while studying herself in the mirror.

This is hopeless.

Asher must have appeared behind me because her eyes suddenly widen more, which I didn't think was possible.

“Hey,” he clears his throat. “Maybe I should go.”

“No!” Mom and I shout in unison.

I quickly flash an apologetic smile and take a deep breath. “Mom, this is Asher Montgomery. Asher, this is my Mom, Yetta.”

“How…” She looks between us and I can’t believe it’s taking her this long to get her shit together.

“Elle invited me. I hope that’s okay.” He holds out the cookies.

“How…” She’s staring at just me now, confused and maybe a little upset that I haven’t told her something so big, and hey, I get it. It’s Asher Montgomery! My idol! My teenage crush! And he's standing in her home. I myself can't even process that yet. But above all else just please don’t embarrass me any further!

I silently plead.

It takes her another second, but she finally accepts the cookies with somewhat normalcy. “Hamburger or hot dog, Asher?”

“Burger is great,” he grins, glancing at me like he's remembering our day.

"I should, um, get the watermelon." I quickly look away before I spend the entire afternoon evaluating the way he just looked at me. The whole processing thing is starting to hit me now.

"I'll get it," she swallows. "You both come with me. Relax."

We follow her through the kitchen and outside.

“Ben! Abe!” she yells, despite us all being halfway on the deck. “Elle’s…” she pauses, looking to me for confirmation. “Friend is here?”

Dad stops flipping burgers and Ben looks up from his computer. He notices Asher first.

“Hey cool, Elle! Did you win a contest or something?”

“Uh, no,” I hesitate. “Asher is my, um, friend uh… through work,” I stutter. “Asher, this is my Dad, Abe, and my brother, Ben.”

Asher takes a step forward and shakes my Dad’s hand.

It’s officially the weirdest thing I've ever seen.

Then my family surprises me. I never thought of them to be this cool before. They ask no further questions. They all just go back to what they were doing.

Relieved I take a seat, motioning for Asher to do the same. I can see it on his face, he likes everything about this - the normalcy.

I think I do too.

“So Asher, have you ever seen Sherlock?” Ben flips his computer around to show him the screen. “I’ve seen it five times already," he boasts. "This is the making of special.”

“I have seen every Sherlock movie and TV series ever made,” Asher proudly states. “There’s a show called Doctor Who. They have the same producer.”

“Cool! " Ben's eyes light up. Then he looks at me like I'm the coolest sister in the world. "He's into Doctor Who!"