“You have nothing to apologize for,” Caelan replied in the same low tones. “Just because I’m not happy about something doesn’t mean it wasn’t the right thing to do.”

“Thank you, Your Majesty.”

Sadly, Adrian didn’t relax or look relieved. Did he think Caelan was that much of a monster? Had he given Adrian any good reason not to believe that?

With that ugly thought, Caelan turned his gaze out the darkly tinted window of the car. He and Adrian were riding in the back seat of a town car sent by the Omari after they slipped away from the Takahashi part of the Chasm into an area claimed by more of the Omari servants. Caelan had been forced to separate from Eno and Rayne. They were supposed to be coming in a second car in hopes of not drawing the notice of any Takahashi clan members or their allies.

Caelan had selected Adrian to accompany him—not out of a need to punish the poor man, but simply because he’d been the only one of them to make contact with the Omari.

The drive was silent with their chauffeur offering up no conversation as he took them to a different mountain and a different swath of thick woods. But it wasn’t as far as Caelan had expected. They couldn’t have been in the car for more than twenty minutes when they were pulling through a tall stone arc with a massive iron gate.

The arrangement of the buildings was similar to what he’d seen at the Takahashi compound with three large buildings in the shape of a U circling a central courtyard. But where Takahashi was dark and cold, there was something light and vibrant about the Omari grounds. There were more trees and plant life, even pink blooms in the midst of the bitter winter cold.

People crossed the courtyard in the white robes that Adrian had described, each looking to be on some errand or another. They did pause here and there, though, eyes following the progress of the car as it pulled around the circular drive and came to a stop.

“That’s Omari Haru,” Adrian whispered, pointing out Caelan’s window to the tall man in white standing about a dozen feet from the car.

Adrian jumped from the car at the same time as the driver but beat him to Caelan’s door to open it. Caelan smirked at him as he climbed out.

Haru stood watching him for a second, his head tilted to the side as if he were contemplating Caelan. He smiled warmly and bowed at last. “Greetings and welcome, King Caelan Talos of Erya. We’re honored to have you visit Clan Omari.”

Caelan bowed his head. “Thank you for inviting me. Omari Haru, correct?”

The dragon’s dark eyes slid over to Adrian and his smile grew wider. “Whispers of me have reached the ears of a king, I see. I’m honored even more.”

“I thought it best the king know that he might encounter the same lunatic I met in the woods,” Adrian grumbled.

Caelan swallowed a groan, but it was fleeting when Haru’s bright laughter filled the open space.

“I wasn’t the only lunatic in the woods. There was also a madman breaking into and then fleeing a Takahashi prison that night.” Haru placed his hands behind his back and leaned toward Caelan as if he were sharing a secret. “I was there merely for the entertainment.”

“And was he entertaining?” Caelan inquired.

Haru’s expression instantly grew brighter, as if he hadn’t expected Caelan to play with him. “He was, indeed. Very.”

The conversation was cut off by the sound of another car pulling through the gate. Caelan turned to see it circle the drive and stop behind the one he’d arrived in. Eno and Rayne immediately climbed out, appearing as if they hadn’t suffered during their brief separation.

Quick introductions were made prior to Haru leading them across the courtyard. He provided some light commentary, explaining what this building or that building was. The dragon was different from every other one he’d met so far. There was something indescribably carefree about him, as if everything in the world was a game to be played or a trinket to be studied. Definitely different from the seriousness of the Takahashi. Maybe a little similar to Drayce when they first met.

As they moved into the main building, Caelan’s nerves ramped up from mild queasiness to a racing heart and sweaty palms. This man he was about to meet was Hagen’s father. His grandfather. Would he know by the sight of Caelan that they were related? Would he care?

Or would he take one look at Caelan and throw him out of the manor because he was a half-breed?

Part of him hated the idea of wanting to deny this piece of himself, but Caelan had no illusions that they could get to the godstone on their own if the Takahashi continued to block them. They needed any help they could win from the Omari and any of the other dragon clans.