Adrian seriously had no idea how to take this dragon. He sounded amused, or at least bemused, by Adrian’s existence. He didn’t seem threatening, which was a nice change of pace from the Takahashi dragons, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t eager to rip Adrian apart all the same.

“We tend to come in all shapes, sizes, and skills.”

A little grunt left Haru as if he were considering this very seriously.

“You know, I should get going. I’d rather not be too close when they wake up and discover that Souta’s unwelcome visitor has left without signing out.” Adrian took another careful step, slowly attempting to move around Haru. He wasn’t sure if the dragon was going to try to stop him from escaping or just allow him to disappear into the woods as he headed toward the Chasm.

The dragon in white glanced over his shoulder in the direction of the prison, his lip curling adorably as he snorted. “You needn’t worry about the Takahashi. We’re ready to provide you with cover.” Haru turned to him and smiled. “But you’re right. We should get moving.”

“We?” Adrian scanned the area, but there was no one else in the woods as far as he could see. Not a single flash of white. No movement among the trees.

“A bit of help in case you needed it,” Haru explained with a jerk of his head in the direction he’d come. “They’re up closer to the prison. It’s my job to meet with you.” Haru took the lead down the slope, heading in the direction of the Chasm.

“I didn’t need your help, did I?” Adrian said, falling into step. He was aiming for smug, not petty.

“No, you didn’t,” Haru chuckled. “You’re quite the handy human.”

Oh, Adrian couldn’t help himself after a comment like that. “It’s kind of amazing. We can even get dressed on our own.”

Haru’s smile widened and there was no missing the sweep of his eyes over Adrian as if inspecting that he did, in fact, get dressed properly. At least it was clear that the dragon understood sarcasm.

“Why didn’t Souta leave with you?” Haru inquired. He made it all sound so casual.

Adrian shook his head, still not quite sure how much to share with the guy. He didn’t seem opposed to Drayce getting free and evading his punishment, but Haru could also be playing him for information. “He wants to strike a deal with Masaru.”

Haru’s steps faltered for a heartbeat, and then he was moving again. His face was hard to read and the grunt he’d caught earlier was repeated. He had no idea what that sound was supposed to mean.

A break in the trees allowed moonlight to wash down across Haru’s face, revealing dark eyebrows that were like slashes above his black eyes. His face was very sharply carved and angular, almost too harsh to be called pretty. No, he was striking. Very striking.

“Odd,” Haru murmured.

“Why are you out here? Is it just to make sure I’m not caught? Or that I am caught by the Takahashi?”

The smile was back, and it seemed to add a laughing wrinkle to the corner of his eye. “I think not caught would be best for everyone. But my clan leader, Omari Nori, would very much like to have a meeting with your king.”

“How odd. My king would very much like to meet with your clan leader.”

Haru reached into his sleeve and pulled out a small, folded piece of paper held between two long, elegant fingers. He extended it to Adrian, who quickly plucked it free. “Instructions for the meeting tomorrow. We apologize for the covert nature, but I’m sure you understand the need.”

Adrian didn’t open the sheet. He tucked it inside his pocket. This was for the king’s eyes only as far as he was concerned. “I’m sure your clan leader realizes that the king won’t be arriving alone.” It was the first time he’d allowed even a hint of warning into his tone.

Judging by his wide grin, Haru wasn’t offended. “Of course. All of the king’s cortege is welcome.”

That was a plus, at least. Adrian turned his attention ahead of him as loose dirt and debris slid under his foot. He grabbed the trunk of the closest tree to steady himself. “Thanks. I—” He stopped completely when he looked up to find that Haru was gone. Disappeared like a fucking ghost.

Yep, he was ready to leave the Isle of Stone.


Caelan Talos

“I’m sorry,” Adrian murmured softly.

It was at least the fourth time the guard had said those two words since he’d returned from the prison without Drayce. Caelan might not have heard them the first couple of times, though. He hadn’t wanted to hear them or excuses as to why Drayce wasn’t free.

But as he’d calmed down through the night and reason settled back in the place of panic, he’d come to realize that Adrian had been left with no choice but to leave Drayce behind. If Drayce had a chance at survival while avoiding war, they had to take it.