Takahashi Masaru had yet to bring up the fact that Caelan was half dragon. He was still hoping that the clan leader didn’t know, his scent and heritage masked by the presence of the gods. If he could just sneak through the meeting and secure the assistance they needed, they could leave and Omari Nori would never have to know the truth.

The only drawback to this plan was that Omari Nori was a key source of information about his father. Growing up, Caelan spent so little time around Hagen Sigurd. He’d been his mother’s bodyguard, her shadow. They’d spoken some, but less frequently the older he got. Especially after Eno stepped into his life, becoming his own shadow.

He didn’t even know Hagen’s real name.

Drayce Ladon was actually Takahashi Souta. What was Hagen’s birth name?

His mind was still swirling with fragmented thoughts when they were brought to an audience chamber similar to where they met Masaru for the first time. Much like the exterior of the compound, this audience room was bright and warm. There were several paintings of flowers and dragons in flight; it looked more like a dance than a battle.

At the head of the room were two people. A large, broad-shouldered man with graying hair tied up in a knot on the top of his head was seated behind a low table, while a woman was standing at his elbow, speaking softly about something as she pointed to papers they were reviewing.

Haru stopped in the center of the room and cleared his throat before bowing deeply. “May I present the King of Erya, Caelan Talos, and his esteemed party?”

Caelan barely heard the words. The older man’s head snapped up and his eyes locked with Caelan’s. It was as though he’d been kicked in the chest. He couldn’t breathe and the world had been reduced to white noise. A hand grabbed his elbow, steadying him. It felt like Rayne—but then, it was always Rayne right there to keep him on his feet.

He knew he needed to speak, to say something, anything, but there would be no getting the words past his raw, tight throat. Omari Nori looked almost identical to his son. It was like staring at an older version of the man who was his father. He hadn’t expected that. Hadn’t mentally prepared in any way.

“Out!” Nori barked in a gruff voice. He waved his arms, the full sleeves of his white-and-gold robe swinging wildly in the gesture. The woman at his side immediately bowed and hurried from the room, but Haru lingered.

“My lord, are you—”

“Out, Haru, you menace! Come back later for your gossip!” Nori snapped, but there was a hint of fond tolerance in his voice. Nori was rising from the cushioned bench he’d been seated on and walking down from the dais to reach Caelan.

Haru chuckled softly and strolled out of the room, but Caelan barely noticed him. His eyes were locked on Nori as he drew closer. He was a fit man, moving easily. Wrinkles wove an intricate web across his face, lining his mouth and stretching out from sparkling eyes. Not Hagen’s eyes. These were lighter, hazel but almost green.

Caelan cleared his throat twice before he felt confident that he could get out a word or two of greeting. “Lord Omari Nori, I am—oof!”

Strong hands grabbed his shoulders and jerked him forward so that he slammed into Nori’s chest. He was hugged tight enough that his ribs threatened to crack. He froze, unsure of what to say or do until he felt the telltale shake of broken sobs.

“My grandson. At last. Home at last,” Nori whispered brokenly.

The dam inside of Caelan broke and he rested his chin on Nori’s slumped shoulder, clinging to his last blood relative in the world. Nori knew who he was, and he didn’t care that he was only half dragon. Caelan gripped his robes tightly and managed to say, “Grandfather,” which seemed to increase Nori’s crying.

He didn’t know how much time passed before they both loosened their hold enough so Nori could take a step back. He cupped both of Caelan’s cheeks in his big hands, thumbs wiping away stray tears. His teary eyes closely inspected Caelan’s face, appearing to drink him in.

“Thank the gods, you look like your mother. She was a beautiful woman.” Nori smiled and lifted his hand to touch his nose. “But you got your father’s nose and his jaw. That’s a good trade-off.”

A hundred questions about how he knew what his mother looked like and so many other things danced through his head, but Nori was already tucking Caelan against his side as if he’d done it all his life. He turned toward Caelan’s companions.

“Rayne Laurent,” Omari Nori announced, taking one quick glance at Caelan’s advisor.

Rayne’s eyes widened, but he recovered from his shock and bowed deeply. “An honor, Lord Omari.”