“Oh my god. That is not how you described your new roommate. You lucky son of a bitch.” Summer dropped her bag on the table and strained to snatch his phone from where he had it tucked against his side. They could hear Wood laughing, and Summer’s attack became relentless. “I wanna talk to Wood.”

“Hello, Summer.” Trent heard Wood’s muffled voice over Summer’s begging.

“See! He said my name, that means he’s speaking to me. Let me talk.” Summer held her hand out for the phone, and Trent reluctantly turned the screen around. She started giggling and waving like an idiot, making Trent feel like he was back in junior high school. “Hi, Wood. I’m Summer. I’m Trent’s big sister, so that means you have to invite me over real soon so I can have a more thorough look at you.”

“You’re sick.” Trent frowned and snatched the phone away. He irritably noticed Wood had put on a T-shirt somewhere amongst the scuffle. “Great, now he’s all covered up.”

Wood laughed, and Summer fell over Trent’s back, clutching her chest as if she was melting from Wood’s hotness. “Even his laugh is fine.”

“I’ll let you guys enjoy what’s left of your lunch break. Trent, I’ll see you when you get home.”

“Mmhmm,” Trent hummed, staring hard into Wood’s eyes, knowing he could read what he couldn’t say out loud.

Wood began to nod slowly, a sexy smile teasing his ruggedly handsome face. “Did you read my note?”

Trent scoffed. “No. Not yet.”

“After you do, text me your answer.”

Trent’s nerves were wedged in his throat, so he simply nodded his approval and disconnected the call. Summer had the heat blowing in the truck by the time he settled into the passenger seat. He reached on the floorboard behind him, flung the lid of his lunch pail open, and read the scribbled words on the torn slip of paper tucked inside. Trent exhaled roughly, his dick going from half-hard to raging. Oh fuck me. Wood had ramped up the suggestive innuendo from thirty to one hundred overnight. Trent felt as if his head was spinning, he was so dizzy.

“You okay over there, guy?” Summer asked. “You look like you’ve just seen the man of your dreams and he’s waiting for you on your couch naked.”

Trent knew his face was several shades of red. Summer had hit the nail on the head. He folded the note and tucked it down in his pocket. Wood said he was cooking dinner tonight… and asked if Trent would be his dessert.

Before he thought about it too hard, Trent pulled out his cell phone and sent his answer.

Trent: Agreed. I’ll be ready to eat when I get home.

Wood’s reply was instant as if he’d been waiting for the message.

Wood: So will I.

Wood: And I plan to eat all night long.

Oh my god. Wood wanted to eat him. Trent squirmed in his seat, trying to get comfortable. Why’s it so damn hot all of a sudden? He unzipped his thick jacket and fanned the front of his sweater. How was he gonna work around all those guys—and Summer—with his hard cock stabbing the front of his jeans? He’d have to make no facetiming a new rule.

“You sure you don’t wanna get off early today?” Summer chuckled. “Literally.”

Trent groaned. “Just drive.”

“What was that you just read that has you all hot and bothered now? Don’t freakin’ tell me Wood left you a sexy note in your lunchbox.” Summer gazed off as if she were watching a herd of unicorns gallop over a rainbow. “That’s called old-school romance right there. You lucky motherfucker.”

Chapter Thirty-Four


“So what in the hell brings you two over here in a cab?” Unannounced. Wood asked Bishop as he and Edison sat around the dining table drinking bottles of water while he stirred his chicken alfredo.

“On Thursday nights a few people from my office go to a happy-hour bar in Town Center after work. So, Bishop thought it’d be a good idea for me to accept the invite at least once. We took an Uber just in case we had a drink.” Edison shook his head. “Didn’t happen though. I don’t like to get inebriated with coworkers. It’s not professional.”

“Well, you’re the boss, right? I guess that would be weird,” Wood agreed. He checked the time on the stove and realized that Trent should be home any minute. He’d been anticipating what he was going to do to him as soon as he came through the door, but now the plan of shoving him against the wall and kissing him senseless was out.

Edison joined him at the stove after he threw away his bottle of water, and Bishop looked as if he was getting ready to make himself comfortable for the evening. Damnit.

“That smells pretty good. Do you and Trent take turns cooking?” Edison asked while tying on an apron. He somehow politely extracted the spoon from Wood’s hand and began to slowly stir the creamy sauce. “Now did you by any chance add some cream cheese to your sauce? I find that it thickens the Alfredo just right.”