“I have an AA meeting at six after work.”

“Oh.” Trent nodded.

“It’s only an hour. I’ll ask Brody to drop me off after so I don’t have to take the bus. I’ll be home by like seven thirty.”

“Cool.” Trent shrugged, appearing as if he was going for indifferent. “How about dinner or something, my treat? Somewhere down on the oceanfront.”

Wood wanted to pick Trent up and wrap his legs around his waist and haul him back to his bed. Waiting nine hours for him to return was going to be difficult. Instead of acting insane, he simply nodded.

Trent hefted his duffle bag onto his shoulder and walked out the front door. Wood went to the window and watched until Trent’s taillights disappeared around the corner.

Brody called his name, and by the sound of his tone, it might not have been the second or third time he attempted to get his attention. Wood pulled the thin curtains over the blinds and made the short walk back to the kitchen.

“Don’t bother saying it. The answer’s no.”

“Wood. I’m only wanting you to succeed, brother.”

“I will. Look. I can’t promise what will or won’t happen in the future, but I swear I’m gonna do my damnedest not to spiral again. But don’t ask me to let Trent go because I won’t… not if he’ll have me. I need him, Brody, and Trent…” Wood thought about it for a second, remembering the way the man had taken care of him during his darkest hours. “Well, Trent needs to be needed.”

Brody shook his head.

“What’s wrong with that?”

“It’s unhealthy, that’s what. You can’t go from one—”

“Addiction to another,” Wood finished tiredly.

“Man, why do I always get the stubborn ones?” Brody mumbled.

“I heard that.” Wood laughed, knowing he was beginning to win the battle. “Let me finish telling you what he did for me, and once you’re fully informed, then you can judge if he’s healthy to have in my life.”

Brody threw his arms up as if he’d given up. “All right, I’m listening. But damn, Wood, you did get me out of bed at five in the morning. The least you can do is give me more than this cheap juice. Where’s the fresh-brewed coffee and hot breakfast?”

Wood clapped his sponsor on the shoulders as he went by. “Coming right up. I make a mean cheesy mushroom omelet.”

Chapter Thirty-Three


Trent had just finished purchasing his gulp cup of Dr. Pepper when his cell phone rang with a FaceTime call. It was Wood. Trent’s stomach flipped over, and he hurried to tell Summer he’d wait for her by the truck. She waved him away without glancing up from the order screen as he hauled ass outside before the call declined. He swiped the green video image to the left and held his breath until Wood came into view.

“Are you naked on the couch?” Trent said in a low voice, then did a cursory glance around where he sat on one of the dine-outside benches. He laughed feeling as if he was doing something naughty, especially with the way he was feeling. His jeans were already getting tighter in the front at the sight of Wood’s colorful chest. He looked as if he’d just gotten out the shower.

“No. I have on pants. You wanna see?” Wood’s voice sounded too sexy for the middle of the day.

“Show me. I don’t believe you,” Trent challenged.

Wood held his arm out farther so Trent could watch as he dragged his other hand back and forth over his thick pecs. Trent’s mouth got extra moist, wishing he could replace Wood’s palm with his tongue.

“You keep looking at me like that, baby, and I’m gonna insist you come home now,” Wood said in that voice he’d used last night when he was nose-deep in his junk.

Trent liked it when Wood called him baby. Hell, he liked when Wood called him all kinds of names: baby, brat, boy, even little shit. Trent didn’t try to hide what that tone was doing to him. They stared at each for a long moment before Trent said quietly, “I’m glad you’re feeling better. Seems like your meeting with Brody went well.”

“It did. Now I’m just waiting on you to get home.” Wood groaned, arching his back when his hand disappeared off the screen.

Fuck. “What are you doing?” Trent whispered, his eyes glued to his phone.

Wood’s panned lower. “I’ll let you see if you promise to give me some more of what I had last night.”

“Yes. Now show me,” Trent agreed without thought. Just before he was able to see something good, Wood’s phone snapped back up and he could only see his face and the top half of the couch. “Hey! What happened?”

Wood chuckled deeply. “Um. There’s a beautiful woman looking over your shoulder.”

Trent jumped so hard at the sound of Summer’s gasp that he dropped the phone to the table with a loud clatter. “Damnit, Summer. What the hell?” Trent checked that Wood’s call was still connected before he glared at his best friend.