Wood glanced at Bishop, who gave him a don’t look at me shrug, then down at Edison. Was he for real? Who’d he think he was, Bobby Flay? “No, Edison. I poured my sauce out that Ragu jar that’s over there in the trash can. I’m sure it all tastes the same.”

Edison dropped the spoon in the pot and stumbled backward with his hand over his heart as if he was having a coronary. Wood stared in disbelief as Bishop rushed over and took Edison in his arms and hurriedly fanned his face. “It’s okay, sweetheart. Breathe. Just relax, and breathe. He didn’t know.”

“Oh lord. He just… I was right here… why’d he do that?” Edison appeared devastated, and Wood started cracking up as he went back to submerging his strips of chicken breast in his Ragu. “Man, my life just keeps getting more and more interesting because of you, Bishop.”

Wood could see Bishop holding in his own laugh as he moved his distraught boyfriend to the couch and gave him another bottle of water. “Here, Eddie. Just sit here until your blood pressure evens out.”

“Please tell me this is a skit you guys do to entertain your company,” Wood said, leaning against the counter and watching Edison’s dramatic reaction.

“Unfortunately, not. Dude, couldn’t you have just said yes to the cream cheese?” Bishop asked, still trying to settle his partner.

The front door exploded open, and Wood’s good mood went from amused to elated. Trent dropped his heavy duffle bag on the floor and blared at him, “Wood! New rule!”

Wood was tempted to grip himself when he saw the deep frown lines in Trent’s brow and the determined lust gleaming in his eyes. “Evening.” He almost moaned but cleared his throat to cover it.

“Don’t you fuckin’ good evening me. Do you have any idea what predicament I was in all day?” Trent hissed. He marched across the floor with his glare focused on him, looking as if he was about to give it to him good, and Wood really wanted to receive whatever Trent wanted to dish out, but they had guests.

“Trent, calm down. You just walked in the house for shit’s sake. What could Wood have possibly done?” Bishop stood up with his hands on his hips.

Trent skidded to a halt at the dining table, his eyes going wide at the realization they weren’t alone. “Hey… what?”

“You told me the two of you were getting along.” Bishop walked over, and Wood had to put his fist over his mouth to hide his grin as Trent stood there seething at him. “You even stayed home from work while he recovered from the flu. I mean… did I miss something?”

“We are getting along. Aren’t we, Trent?” Wood winked. “He just loves his rules, that’s all, Bishop.”

“Trent, go get changed. I’m starving.” Bishop clapped his hands together. “Wood made pasta. I thought tonight was gonna be a bust after being around Edison’s corny friends for two hours.”

“Y’all are staying?” Trent cut his eyes to Wood longingly—he knew what he was feeling—then back to their impromptu company.

“Sure.” Bishop went to the couch and scooped Edison onto his lap. “Y’all ain’t got nothing else to do, right?”

Wood waited to see if Trent would say yes, but he was mildly disappointed when he shook his head and headed toward his bedroom.

“I won’t be long.”


Trent hurriedly shed his filthy work clothes and dropped them in their separate hamper in his closet. He put on his robe and tossed his towel over his shoulder so he could get to the bathroom. As soon as he stepped out of his door, Wood slammed into him, pinning him against the wall. He gasped at the sudden, but welcome, surprise. Before he could ask what the fuck, Wood’s hot mouth was on him.

“Hey! What was that?” Bishop yelled from around the corner.

“Nothing. Trent hit the wall,” Wood called in return, then pulled Trent’s bottom lip between his teeth.

Trent closed his eyes and wrapped his arms tightly around Wood’s waist. He snatched and pulled on his thin T-shirt, pressing their hard-ons together until the throb in his lower body began to fade. Wood shoved one side of his robe open and slid his thigh between Trent’s legs. He went up on his toes when the coarse denim of Wood’s jeans came into contact with his balls, making him almost fucking explode. Trent turned his head and peeked down the hall, not wanting to get busted, but also not wanting to stop.

“Goddamnit.” Trent murmured as Wood kneaded his ass, his face buried in his throat. “Why didn’t you tell me they were coming?”

“They just showed up. I didn’t know either,” Wood said between bites of the sensitive skin beneath his ear.

“Mmmm, get off me before Bishop’s nosy ass comes to see what all the grunting is.” Trent halfheartedly shoved at Wood’s chest. “And I need to shower.”