“It’s cold, Miss Glicks.”

“What the hell is up with the Miss Glicks?” I said, heaving frigid air in and out. The man knew how to push my buttons and make me curse, which was quickly becoming a habit.

“Okay, lass,” he said, the corner of his mouth twitched and left it slightly lifted in what might have been a grin.

“I don’t need a ride,” I said stubbornly. “I’ll find my own way home. I’m a big girl.”

He shrugged. “I dinnae ken one way or the other.”

“De nay kin?” I asked. My confusion made my pronunciation drag and it was so far off.

“Get in the car,” he said in a way that didn’t brook an argument.

Damn him for his nonchalance when I couldn’t get him out of my head either. I didn’t have to speak whatever language he was to figure out what he meant.

When he started to close the door, I stomped in his direction. Why should I pay for a taxi? It was his invitation that brought me out tonight. Oh, the lies we tell ourselves.

I slipped into the seat and sank in the supple leather. The door closed and he rounded the car. I couldn’t help but admire the beauty of the man who sat in the driver’s seat.

“How did you know my last name?” I asked as he shifted into traffic.

“Your doorman greeted you and my driver overheard.”

“And he reported it to you.”

It wasn’t a question. I’d hardly spoken to the man as I recalled the interaction.

“Is there a secret to knowing your last name?”

I whipped my head in his direction. “I guess it seems unfair when I don’t know yours.”

Slowly, he turned his head to eye me from head to toe, knocking me off balance. My coat might have been tied at the waist, but it gaped open enough at the top and between my legs to show skin that was exposed by the design of the dress.

His eyes met mine and he said, “It’s Brinner.”

Kalen Brinner. What an unusual name for a gorgeous but unusual man.

Then he turned, pulling into traffic, only to be immediately stopped at a red light. Way too soon it turned green, giving me only a view of his beautiful yet unreadable profile.

He left me off balance. Though he’d suggested he was only interested in me for sex, his casual perusal of my body hadn’t registered approval or disdain, leaving me feeling embarrassed.

I straightened in my seat to close my coat. Goosebumps had erupted over my skin from his stone-cold gaze. But just as I reached the gap at my legs, his hand stopped me. His fiery palm landed on my thigh and headed for the juncture between my legs.

My gasp was nothing compared to the moan that escaped me when his fingers brushed over my wet center. I’d chosen to go bare to avoid a panty line.

He too was surprised as his expression finally showed a reaction before his eyes found the road again. But that quick glance had revealed a hungry gaze.

“Show me,” he commanded.

I was momentarily shocked by his request.

“Use my fingers to touch yourself,” he said while rubbing tiny circles around my clit but avoiding making nail-biting contact.

The man was certainly skilled and didn’t need my guidance to make me come as he’d proven the other night. Yet a second later, he demonstrated just that with a flick of his finger. It connected with my clit in a way that caused me to suck in a lungful of air. Then his touch was gone.

“If you want to get off, you’ll have to use my fingers or wait until you get into your bed alone and fantasize about me.”

Pissed, I tried to move his hand away, but it clamped down over my mound like a chastity belt. Unfortunately, his grip didn’t brush the most sensitive parts.

Spying the bulge in his pants, I suddenly felt powerful. If I used him to get me off on the ride home, he’d be the one left to fantasize about me.

When had I gotten so bold? Scott had made me feel useless and unwanted. Kalen, on the other hand, made me feel sexy and daring.

Feeling brave, I undid the sash and parted my coat to give me room. Then I snaked a hand over my parting thighs to cover his. I gripped two of his fingers to rub through my wetness and over my nub. I had to bite my tongue to keep my wanting sounds to a minimum. It didn’t take much. His large hand was the perfect size, and with my perfect pressure, I was brought to the precipice in record time.

I was so close; I could come at any moment. He must have sensed that, taking over and stroking once over my clit, down my slit to plunge into my soft depths.