“Oh,” I said, in little more than a breathy whisper.

He stroked in and out of me with an expertise he could patent.

“Take your coat off, climb into my lap, and let me finish you off.”

Shyness crept in as I noticed the cars around us. I’d been all in a second ago without regard to who might see. But now, his request, which was crazy by the way, made me notice the traffic going past us. The late hour meant we weren’t at a standstill, but there was still a fair amount of vehicles on the road. If anyone looked over…

“Or you could wrap those red lips of yours around my dick, lift that pretty ass of yours up in the air, and we could both get off.”

Damn his suggestions. I wanted nothing more than his big cock inside of me. Was it foolish? Could he drive while I rode him?

“What about a condom?” I blurted.

He didn’t bother to look at me, still navigating the car.

“We are nearly out of time, Miss Glicks. You will have to believe me when I tell you I’m clean and have the test results to prove it. Just as I will have to trust you are too. It’s now or never.”

His straightforwardness made me trust him, or it was just reckless need that won over rational thought. I stripped out of my coat, unbuckled my seat belt, and turned to find his cock straining against his pants. I went to work to free it and even went as far as to lick my tongue over the swollen tip as it sprang free. He too wore no underwear.

His hand gently pressed on the back of my head so I would take him deeper into my mouth. I obliged, though quickly insecurity filled me. He was so big, my teeth grazed over him and I wasn’t sure he’d like it. I sat up and at his nod crawled over to straddle him.

I had an urge to kiss him, but decided it was more important for his eyes to be on the road. I inched down as he guided his head against my opening until I was fully seated on him.

He cursed in a language I didn’t understand. But something about the way he said it made its meaning universal.

“Fuck yourself,” he said way too calmly.

I would so analyze that a million different ways later. But at that moment, I was so filled with desire, I rocked myself up and down his shaft. His girth stretched me to the max as I rolled my hips some, wanting contact against my clit. Once I found the right angle, my internal magic button was activated, and I jacked myself off on him until I came apart around him.

Thank God I’d tamed my hair that morning. Otherwise, he might not have seen around my wayward curls when I buried my head in the crook of his neck.

He, however, wasn’t done. A master of multitasking, he gripped my waist so he could move me up and down at his pace as I sagged against him. I was still panting over my first orgasm as another one built. He powered into me like it was mission-critical that he come hard too.

His final grunt rocketed another orgasm out of me. I couldn’t move when it was over as he held me tightly to him. I wanted to read more into the gesture, but my guess was that position made it easier for him to drive.

I’d almost fallen asleep, his cock still deep inside me when he said, “We’re here, lass.”

I felt the car move to the side and stop. Who had seen us? Had we been caught on film? That shouldn’t have been my first question. Had he done that before? How the hell had he driven the car with me bouncing on his dick? But he’d managed the impossible.

Then the next question hit me. Was this it? Had he fucked me out of his system? Because as foolish as it was, he’d fucked me into his. No, I didn’t love him. But I wasn’t ready for the madness to end.

“You should go inside,” he said quietly.

Oh, how dumb had I been to think he might have said something more romantic. A safer bet was he was done with me.

With as much dignity as I could muster, I raised myself off him. The emptiness I felt was more than the loss of his dick. By the time I made it in my seat, he had his monster cock hidden back in his pants.

“Yeah…um…thanks for the ride.”

I couldn’t even laugh at my accidental double entendre. I turned my back to him and opened the door as he idled at the curb. Outside, I pulled my dress down so I wouldn’t flash any pedestrians.

Before I could close the car on my shame, he finally spoke.