“We were engaged. Now we’re not.”

I shrugged, hoping to end all conversation.

Anna squinted. “Is that allowed?”

I couldn’t blame her for her curiosity.

“Not if we were still engaged. But we’re not. Besides, he wasn’t originally assigned to this project and things happen. We’re adults and we’ll get through it.”

I flagged the waiter, hoping to derail any further questioning. Thankfully, Anna got the message as the waiter arrived. My phone buzzed and there was a text from Lizzy.

Come home now, it read.

I glanced up and noticed everyone looking at me, including the waiter.

“I’m sorry, guys. Something’s come up. I have to go.”

I scooted out of the bench after Kevin moved out. I said a hasty goodbye and went to hail a taxi. I really needed to get that Uber app. Luckily, yellow cabs were in abundance. I wondered if Uber was the cause.

I rushed in the door, expecting to find the house on fire or Lizzy half dead. Instead, she sat at the kitchen island absently studying an overflowing vase of orange roses.

“What’s up?” I asked, unsure what was going on.

Had something happened to her parents, her brother?

It took her a second before she met my eyes. She held out a small white card that was in her hand.

I took it and read.

Tonight 7:30pm Eventi Hotel

“I just got home,” Lizzy said. “I’m pretty sure that’s not for me.”

Once I saw it was signed with the initial K, I agreed.

I glanced at my phone. It was twenty minutes passed seven.

“I’ll never make it,” I said, though I wasn’t sure who I was talking to, Lizzy or myself.

“Sure you can,” she said.

She hurried to her feet and dragged me to her bedroom. Though I could wear some of Lizzy’s clothing, the fact was she was tall and statuesque, and I was the opposite. I couldn’t fit in everything she owned.

She started tossing out clothes as she scoured her closet for something she felt I should wear. I picked up the remains and refolded and rehung, unable to tamp down my neat freak side.

“This,” she said, holding out a sleek and streamlined, black formfitting V-neck midi dress with a swath of ribbed fabric at the waist for a bit of detail. “Hurry.”

Because it was made from stretchy material, it would probably work. I rushed to my room and tossed off my clothes, leaving them in a pile much like the one Lizzy made in her room. Then I pulled the dress over my head, ignoring the designer label. It probably cost more than some people’s rent, and I couldn’t think about that or I’d be late.

Based on my conversations with Kalen the previous night, he didn’t accept any excuse for tardiness.

I stopped. What was I doing? I would be late. My luck he wouldn’t be there.

“What are you doing?”

I glanced up to see Lizzy. “What’s the point? I’m never going to make it in time.”

She tsked me. “You’ll make an entrance.” She handed over a pair of heels. Funny. We were close in shoe size. The red sole platform patent leather heels were the perfect touch. I slid them on.

“I ordered you an Uber,” she explained, handing me a tote bag.

“What is this for?”

“To drop in your purse and makeup bag. I also tossed in a pair of flats for when you come home in the morning.”

She gave me a little wink.

This was crazy. But I found myself in the Uber reapplying makeup. Though I longed for my bed, sharing one with Kalen had an unexpected thrill running through my belly.


Kalen was leaving the hotel when I arrived. I cinched the tie of the wool coat I snagged on my way out the door and went to intercept him.

Impeccably dressed in an overcoat that opened enough to reveal a tailored suit, he stopped when he noticed me.

As he approached, he said, “Late again, I see. Habit?”

My spine stiffened. The conceit of this man.

“For the record, I’m normally a punctual person when given adequate notice.”

“I believe I sent the invitation hours ago.”

I glared at him as he continued to get closer.

“I’m sorry. I guess I should have been waiting with bated breath for your flowers to arrive. But some of us have to work.”

His brow lifted as my sarcasm dripped with disdain as he stopped before me. The frost in the air seemed to melt at his nearness.

“It’s cold out, Miss Glicks. Allow me to give you a ride home.”

His panty-melting accent momentarily distracted me again from the knowledge that he knew my last name.

“So that’s it? I’m fifteen minutes late and date canceled.”

With his eyes hidden in shadow, so dark on mine, they were unreadable.

“Need I remind you that fifteen minutes is everything, Miss Glicks. I’ll need every second we have together to fuck you out of my system.”

Jaw slackened, I stood there as he walked by me. When I turned, he was standing with a door open on a sleek midnight blue car.