“Right.” Eli glances at the three guys just as they’re joined by two girls and another guy. He places his hand on my lower back again, and my insides tremble from how good his touch feels. “Come on.”

I walk with him to the bar and sit next to Katie, who grins at me. “Having fun?”

Eli takes a seat on my left, and as I nod, he holds ten dollars out to Katie. “Quinn kicked my ass.”

“I didn’t,” I mutter, then I give Katie a playful scowl. “Did you make a bet?”

“Of course,” she chuckles.

I lean a little closer and whisper, “And? Any luck?”

Katie nods, her smile growing quickly. “And you?”

I shrug. “We’ll see.”

Truth be told, I’m just happy to spend some time with Eli.

Today’s already a dream come true for me.


“How’s your place coming along?” Katie asks me.

Jason hands me a beer and a cider for Quinn. Glancing at Katie, I reply, “Good. I’m moving in this weekend.”

“Oh.” Katie glances from Quinn to me. “Need any help?”

“There’s not much to move,” I chuckle.

“But the man grills a mean steak,” Jason says. “How about a BBQ to celebrate?”

“Sure.” I take a sip of the beer then turn my gaze to Quinn, who’s been quiet next to me. “That’s if you don’t have other plans.”

Quinn shakes her head, but Katie answers for her, “No plans. We can bring a salad.”

“Sounds like a plan,” Jason says, happy that he’ll get to spend time with Katie this weekend.

I glance at my watch, and noticing it’s already past seven, I say, “Damn, I need to get home and start with the kitchen cupboards.”

I don’t think, and placing my hand on Quinn’s back, my palm brushes up to beneath her hair until my fingers wrap around her neck. I lean in and ask, “Will you be okay getting home?”

She gives me a nervous smile, her cheeks turning a soft pink. “Yeah, I’ll be with Katie.”

My thumb brushes over her soft skin, and resisting the urge to hug her, I pull back and rise to my feet. Knowing Jason will keep an eye on the girls, I say, “Later, guys.”

“Bye,” Quinn murmurs.

When I walk to the exit, I glance over my shoulder and catch Quinn staring after me. I almost stop, but needing to get the kitchen at least partially done before the weekend, I head out of the bar.

On the drive to my place, my thoughts run circles around Quinn. Taking a deep breath, I wonder if I shouldn’t ask her out to dinner.

That’s if she even agrees to a date.

Letting out a chuckle, I shake my head at myself.

I park the truck in the usual spot beneath an oak tree, and getting out, I walk to where the generator is. Turning it on, it takes a second, then the floodlights flick on, spotlighting the house.

I stare at the place I’ve built from the ground up. The outside still needs to be painted, but I’ll only get to that after I’ve added the porch. I head inside, tucking my car keys in my back pocket.

Getting to work on the cupboards, time begins to slip away, and it’s well after eleven when my phone rings.

Seeing Jason’s name flashing on the screen, I answer, “What’s up?”

“Need your help at the bar. There’s a group of rowdy guys, and it looks like things are about to get ugly.”

“On my way.” I jog out of the house, asking, “Did you call the sheriff?”

“Yeah, but he’s dealing with a fender bender. He said he’ll send Cade over.”

“I’ll be there in five minutes.”

We end the call, and I quickly drive back to the bar. Stopping right in front of the entrance, I jump out and walk inside. I’m just in time to see the idiot from earlier forcefully pulling Quinn against him.

Jason comes around the bar. “Hey now, let go of her.”

Katie slaps the guy's shoulder, and it has one of his friends grabbing her from behind.

I come up behind the idiot holding Quinn, who’s trying to push away from him, and grabbing hold of his shoulder, I yank him backward. He staggers, and Quinn pulls free, stumbling into the counter.

The guy who had a hold of Katie takes a swing at Jason, and then I have to lean backward to avoid a blow from the idiot. Bringing my arm back, I deliver a right hook to his jaw, and he instantly drops unconscious to the floor.

When I move in behind Jason, the friend of the idiot backs up.

“The deputy’s on his way. Leave, unless you want to spend the night behind bars.” I gesture at the idiot, then pin the other guy with a glare. “Take him with you.”

He rushes to pull the idiot up off the floor, and as he drags him out, the idiot begins to regain consciousness. His eyes lock on us, and then he yanks loose and storms me. Tired of this shit, I deliver a kick to his chest, sending his ass sprawling across the floor.