I stalk toward him, and grabbing hold of his neck, I yank him up into the air before shoving him right out of the bar. He stumbles into the front of my truck just as the lights from the patrol car flash over the parking area.

I instantly step back, assuming a non-threatening pose.

“Eli,” Cade says as he glances at the two guys. “Wanna tell me what’s going on here?”

“Just some outsiders messing with our girls,” I explain.

Cade nods as he steps closer to them, his hand resting on his weapon. “Hey guys, having too much fun?”

“No, sir,” the one answers. “Just a misunderstanding.”

Jason comes out. “They’re over the limit.”

Cade’s eyebrows lift. “Where are you staying?”

“Riverside,” the one answers while the idiot glares my way.

“Best you start walking then,” Cade says. “Your vehicle should be safe staying here overnight.”

Cade’s suggestion is met with grumbles, and then the guys wisely walk away. Cade watches them for a moment, then he turns to Jason and me. “Just give me a call if they come back.”

“Thanks, Cade,” Jason says, stepping forward to shake his hand.

I give Cade a chin lift, and when he heads back to his patrol car, I turn around, coming face to face with Quinn and Katie.

Lifting my hand, I wrap my fingers around Quinn’s slender arm. “You okay?”

She nods quickly as her eyes dart over me. “And you?”

I flex my right hand, but it feels okay. “I’m fine.” Glancing at my truck, then to the girls, I say, “Let me take you home.”

“We’ll just grab our bags,” Katie says, darting back into the bar. Jason follows her while Quinn stays with me.

“Come on,” I murmur as I tug her toward the passenger side of my truck. I open the door and help her climb inside. I shut the door then walk around the front of the vehicle. Sliding in behind the steering wheel, I glance at Quinn. “Did he hurt you?”

She shakes her head, looking a little pale. Thinking she’s probably shaken up by what happened, I wrap my arm around her shoulders and give her a sideways hug.

“Thank you,” Quinn whispers.

Instinctively I press a kiss to the side of her head, and the soft scent of flowers drifts up to me.

Katie comes out with Jason by her side. “Jason will drop me off at home after he closes up,” she says as she hands Quinn her bag through the open window.

I pull my arm back when Quinn shifts closer to the door as she says, “Call me when you get home.”

“I will.” Katie gives her friend a grin.

Jason comes around to my side and reaches through the open window to pat my shoulder. “Thanks for coming to help.”

“Any time.” Smiling at him, I start the engine. “Call me if they come back.”

Jason glances toward the road. “With a little luck, they’ll look for trouble elsewhere.”

“Later,” I say as I put the truck in gear.

When I reverse out of the parking area, I murmur, “Seat belt, Quinn.”

She nods quickly, pulling the belt over her and clipping it in. Her eyes dart to mine, and then I realize this is our first time alone together.

Chapter 3


The cab feels too big, and I wish I could scoot closer to Eli without making it obvious I’m trying to get closer to him.

Remembering how badass he looked when he hit and kicked the guy who wouldn’t leave me alone makes my body hum with overwhelming desire, unlike anything I’ve felt before.

I don’t condone violence, but those guys deserved what they got.

I sneak a glance at Eli as he turns the truck up my street. He looks relaxed, and you wouldn’t think he was just in a fight. My eyes dart to his right hand, and seeing the red swelling on his knuckles, I ask, “Is your hand okay?”

Eli flexes his fingers, glancing down at his hand. “Yeah.”

“Still, we should put some ice on it,” I say as he comes to a stop in front of my house. It’s only then I realize I didn’t tell him where to go.

Eli knows where I live.

The thought makes a smile shoot to my face. I glance at the dark house, then back to Eli. “Want to come in?” Realizing how presumptuous it sounds, I quickly add, “For ice.” I gesture to his hand.

Eli nods. “Sure.”

My heart skips a beat as I push the door open, and climbing out of the truck, I dig my keys out of my bag. When Eli follows me to the front door, I have a ridiculously happy grin stuck to my mouth.

Pushing the key in the lock, I have to wiggle it to get it unlocked because it’s been sticking.

“No porch light?” Eli asks.

I shake my head and finally get the door open. “It went out last week. I’ve been meaning to get it fixed.”