Three guys take the other table, distracting me for a moment before I drink in the sight of Eli’s arms, the veins snaking beneath his tanned skin as he lines up the cue. Then my eyes drift to his hair that’s cut short before I take in his broad back. When he takes the shot, his muscles ripple beneath the fabric of his shirt, and I let out a soft sigh.


When he doesn’t sink a ball, my eyebrows dart up. I’ve seen him play before, and that was an easy shot. Then Eli grins at me, and all I can do is drool.

“Your turn,” he has to remind me, and I quickly shake my head as my cheeks flame up from blatantly staring at him.

Smooth, Quinn. Real freaking smooth.

“Do you like working at The Green Leaf?” Eli asks.

I nod as I sink a ball. “I get to spend time with Katie.”

While I check which shot to take next, Eli glances to the bar. “Has Katie said anything about Jason?”

I turn my gaze to where my friend’s laughing at something Jason said. Not wanting to spill her secrets, I shrug. “Why? Has Jason said anything?”

Eli chuckles, and the sound is deep and rich. “Let’s leave them to figure it out on their own.”

Nodding, there’s a sinking feeling in my stomach when I realize the game’s almost over.

Again I miss the shot on purpose, and as Eli sinks the next ball, I wave at Katie, who gives me a happy grin.

Turning my attention back to the game, I grimace when I see I only have two balls left. But, at least, they’re not easy shots.

Eli rubs his palm over the scruff on his jaw, then says, “Let’s see how good you are, Quinn.”

Hearing my name from his mouth makes my stomach flutter as if a kaleidoscope of butterflies has taken flight.

Not wanting Eli to catch onto my feelings for him, I force myself to focus as I check which ball to sink. Just as I bend over the table, someone bumps into me from behind. I dart up, and swinging around, I say, “Sorry.”

One of the guys that’s playing at the other table smirks at me. “It’s okay. If you want to touch my ass, all you have to do is ask.”

Not liking the way he’s looking at me, I take another step away from him. Eli’s hand settles on my lower back, and then he asks the guy, “Mind moving? Kinda hard to play with you standing here.”

He’s touching me. Eli’s freaking touching me.

My senses rush to absorb how amazing and protected it makes me feel.

“My bad,” the other guy chuckles, moving a couple of steps to the side.

Eli nudges me softly. “Take your shot, Quinn.” He moves two steps back, which places him behind me as I bend over the table again. This time I miss, because there’s no way I can focus, and the white ball stops just shy of falling into a pocket.

“Dang,” I mutter. “I just lined up a perfect shot for you.”

I move out of the way so Eli can play, but then an arm falls around my shoulders. Startled, my eyes dart to the guy I bumped into.

“Are you from around these parts?” he asks, giving me another once over that makes me feel like he just freaking licked me from head to toe. “We’re passing through. What’s there to do in this small town?”

I try to move out from under his arm, but then his fingers wrap around the back of my neck, causing my stomach to nervously tighten.

“I wouldn’t,” Eli says. Warning laces the words as he steps up to us, and he looks hot as hell with the dark expression making his eyes seem icy.

The guy smirks at Eli. “Wouldn’t what? I’m just talking to the pretty lady.”

“Then use your words and let go of her.” Eli takes hold of my arm and tugs me to his side.

The guy holds up his hands, laughing. “I wasn’t aware she’s yours.”

My eyes dart between Eli and the guy. Luckily the guy backs off, walking back to his friends, who start to laugh at him.

Then Eli’s hand settles on my shoulder, and he leans down a little to catch my eyes. “You okay?”

I nod. “Yeah.” I let out a relieved breath. “Thank you for helping.”

“Of course.” He nudges me closer to our table. “Let’s finish the game and join Katie and Jason.”

“Okay.” Wanting to get away from the handsy guy, I line up my cue, and within seconds I sink my two balls and the black one. “All done. Let’s go.”

Eli begins to laugh, the sound washing over me, then he shakes his head as he pins me with a playful gaze. “I knew you were holding back.”

I shrug as we set the cues back on the rack. “I wasn’t.”