Rayne didn’t have the chance to ask any follow-up questions; they were interrupted by a servant dressed in black carrying a silver tray laden with refreshments. Yash spoke quickly to the man, waving her hand absently toward a low coffee table of rich, gleaming mahogany.

“Why don’t we sit and enjoy a bit of wine while we talk business?” Yash suggested when the servant had left again.

“You’ll forgive our reluctance considering my friend was nearly poisoned today,” Rayne said sharply. It was a struggle to hold on to his good manners when his patience was already stretched to its limits. “We very much need to return to our companions. Are you saying that you’re willing to assist us?”

Yash walked over to the table and poured herself a glass of wine. She stared boldly at Rayne as she sipped it. “I will, but you have to agree to help me and Kamal Giri.”

“No!” Vale snapped, but Rayne was silent as he continued to hold her hard gaze.

After several tense seconds of no one else speaking, Yash offered a small nod. “Accompany me to my office, Lord Laurent, and we can speak more on my proposition.” She turned and walked to a pair of double doors off the parlor.

Rayne reached around her and pushed down on both handles before giving the doors a gentle shove. The room was just as opulently decorated as the parlor, but a dark-wood desk dominated the room along with a pair of large leather chairs. The main colors in this room were red and black.

“We’ll leave the doors open so that you can hear and see your friends,” Yash said as she strolled into the room with her wineglass in hand. “But if we speak quietly, I’ll trust our conversation will remain between you, me, and the king.”

Rayne hesitated in the open doorway. He looked over his shoulder to see Drayce give him a stiff nod. It wasn’t the best situation, but if this gave them a way to Mrtyu, Rayne had to listen to her.

Instead of sitting behind the desk, Yash settled in one of the large chairs in front of the desk and patted the empty seat beside her. She winked at him and took another sip of her wine before placing the glass on the desk.

Pushing his growing uneasiness down into the pit of his stomach, Rayne sat in the chair beside her and rested his elbow on the arm so that he could lean close. From the corner of his eye, he could clearly see Vale and Drayce watching them. Well, Vale’s expression was more of a glare. Drayce just appeared worried.

“I know that you’re likely tired and eager to return to your king, so I will try to keep this brief,” Yash began in tones barely more than a whisper. “Kamal can get you and your little party an invitation up to Mrtyu, but he would like something in exchange.”

Rayne nodded. He’d expected this. Nothing was free in this world. “That is fair.”

“We would like you to kill the High Luminance.”

That was not what he’d expected. He stiffened but managed to keep all other reactions off his face. Caelan could not get embroiled in political complications in Zastrad. Erya had no problems with the theocracy and had no interest in starting a war with Zastrad while they were already in the middle of a war with New Rosanthe.

“I can see why you’re the king’s advisor,” Yash practically giggled. “Your brain is probably screaming ‘No!’ but you’re keeping quiet so you can at least hear why this will be beneficial to both Zastrad and Erya.”

“I’m highly skeptical,” Rayne bit out. He was trying to keep his tone neutral, but it was hard when his newest savior was trying to pitch what amounted to regicide as a good thing.

“Zastrad has been trapped for centuries by leaders who refuse to allow our country to grow, while our neighbors around us flourish and thrive. There are some of us who believe that the Dead God wants more for us than rushing to our death. Part of cherishing our lives is experiencing all the world has to offer. And that includes our neighbors.”

“Are you saying that Kamal Giri is interested in expanding trade with other countries?”

“Yes. Zastrad has more to offer than just silks.”

“You mean, such as Kiss of Death?” Rayne countered tartly.

Yash looked unimpressed and maybe even disappointed. “As the High Arcanist, Kamal Giri has control over only one good that can be shared with the world. We have heard that it has not been used as we Zastrians would advise, and we are sorry those people feel they have been rushed prematurely to their death.”

Rayne struggled to bite his tongue. That was not how he would put the situation at all, but there was no point in trying to argue with Yash about her own religion. “How would that change if Giri was made the High Luminance rather than the High Arcanist?”