“As High Luminance, Kamal would have complete control of the trafficking of all Zastrian goods. We would be able to share more than just our silks. We have art, wine, fine spices, and foods that we believe the rest of Thia would enjoy. In exchange, we would finally have access to more technology as well as other goods.”

“I cannot possibly agree to anything on behalf of the king. I would need to discuss this with him.”

Yash nodded easily. “Understandable. We wouldn’t expect anything less.”

“I do know that His Majesty would not agree to anything unless there were assurances in place that all movement of Kiss of Death into Caspagir stopped. That kingdom is a close ally to Erya, and King Caelan would not be willing to assist the High Arcanist if he knew this continued.”

One of Yash’s hands fluttered through the air as if she were dismissing the very thought. “Of course. Of course. Kamal was never happy about the arrangement, but the funds from the sale of Kiss of Death helped to fund the purchase of other goods from Caspagir that were smuggled into Zastrad. As High Luminance, such secretive trading won’t be necessary any longer.”

“Thank you.” Rayne stood and bowed his head to the woman who seemed to be amused by him for some strange reason. It didn’t matter. He wanted out of there and back to Caelan and Eno. He needed to think this proposal over. His knee-jerk reaction was to turn it down immediately, but they were in a desperate position. Maybe there was a way to turn this to their advantage. “I will present your case to King Caelan. How will I get in contact with you again to relay his response?”

Yash picked up a small silver bell from her desk and rang it twice. “Don’t worry. I’ll send a messenger over to your hotel in forty-eight hours. That’s plenty of time to talk this over with your king.”

“Of course.” Rayne wasn’t sure they’d ever have enough time to discuss such a dangerous idea, though.

“Good.” The servant who’d dropped off the refreshments in the parlor stepped into the office through a partially hidden door. Yash motioned in his direction. “Just follow Bibek out the rear of the house. He has my carriage prepared. He will take you directly to your hotel, allowing you to avoid any further troubles.”

That was at least a better option than trying to make it there on their own. And in truth, while Yash had been a pleasant and accommodating hostess, he was still eager to rejoin the rest of their party. He wanted to hear if Caelan had made any progress with the High Aspect. If they could get to Mrtyu through legal means, they wouldn’t even need to discuss Kamal Giri’s aspirations for becoming the next High Luminance.

But that raised an even more dangerous question: Would Kamal and Yash allow them to live with that knowledge?


Caelan Talos

Caelan paced to the far side of the hotel room, scrubbing one hand over his face. When he lowered his hand again, it was to frown at Vale’s softly snoring form on the sofa. They’d needed to discuss the insanity of the day, but Rayne had been unwilling to share his adventure with Vale present. She’d been happy to volunteer to head down to the hotel bar, but not one of their group was excited about the idea of letting her out of their sight. So, left with no other option, Caelan had called upon his gift from Tula and gently put her to sleep.

At least, he thought it had been gentle. With one touch, her knees had given out and Eno had just barely managed to catch her before she hit the floor.

But knocking Vale out so they could have a private conversation was the least of his worries.

The first on his mind was Drayce.

Drinking fucking poison.

He turned his narrowed gaze on the person in question currently lounging in a chair with his leg thrown casually over one of the arms. His best friend immediately held up both hands and flashed a wincing smile. “I’m fine. I swear. It’s been hours. If something was going to happen, it would have happened already. I’m good.” He made a fist and tapped on his stomach. “It’s made of cast iron. Nothing hurts me.”

Oh, he had a lot of questions about that so-called cast-iron stomach, and from the look on Rayne’s face, his advisor had several similar ones, but since Drayce didn’t seem at risk of imminent death, it was best he let it go. For now.

Naturally, the more pressing issue was the fact that one of their ways up the mountain to Mrtyu and access of the godstone was through the murder of the High Luminance.

“This is a horrible idea. I can’t believe we’re even discussing this,” Eno grumbled. His bodyguard was leaning against the wall nearest the door, his arms folded over his chest and his glare turned on Rayne, who was seated in the chair opposite Drayce.