Vale flashed him a broad grin over her shoulder. “They do, but even church officials need to keep up appearances.”

That seemed more than a little suspect, but it was to be expected when one was dealing with any kind of government.

Rayne didn’t have a chance to ask any questions about the Zastrian government and church officials, as a woman opened her front door and stepped out onto the small concrete porch. She smiled broadly and waved at them, motioning for them to approach the house.

“Do you know her?” Rayne asked.

Vale immediately shook her head, eyes wide with surprise and confusion. “Never seen her before.”

“Hurry!” she called with a laugh. “They’ll find you soon enough if you’re not quick.”

Drayce met Rayne’s questioning stare and shrugged his shoulders. The woman might be unknown to them, but she clearly knew they were in trouble and being pursued. She was offering an escape. It was a better option than staying on the street to be discovered once again.

If she betrayed them, they could always fight their way out and go on the run.

With unease coiling tightly in his stomach, Rayne led the way up the sidewalk and the three broad steps to the house. The woman had stepped back inside but was holding the door open for them.

“Do you know us?” Rayne immediately demanded upon crossing the threshold.

“Of course. You’re part of the entourage for King Caelan Talos,” the woman said with a twittering laugh.

She was a tiny figure, the top of her head barely reaching Rayne’s shoulder. Her burnished blond hair was twisted up in a complicated hairstyle, revealing a long, swanlike neck and slender shoulders. She was wearing a floor-length dress of black lace over a deep-purple sheath that only made her look even more delicate and fragile.

Once Drayce shut the door behind them, she waved for them to follow her into a front parlor that was filled with elegantly carved furniture. Surprisingly, there was no sign of the colors purple or black. It was all shades of creamy white, blue, and green, reminding Rayne more than a little of home in the calming sense of peace the room created.

“Thank you for your assistance, my lady,” Rayne began, bowing to the woman. Even if it wasn’t necessarily the custom in Zastrad, they were in this woman’s debt for offering them refuge and respite from the chase. “I am Lord Rayne Laurent, advisor to King Caelan Talos of Erya.” He turned and motioned toward Drayce, who offered a passable bow. “This is Drayce Ladon.” He finished with Vale, who just stood glaring at the woman as if she didn’t trust her. Yes, well, Rayne had learned the hard way that no one they’d met in Zastrad was worthy of trust.

The woman smiled and extended her hand. “An honor, Lord Laurent. I’m Yash Magar.”

Rayne jerked his hand free and took a step backward, while Drayce lunged forward with a gun aimed directly at Yash’s face. She didn’t even blink an eye at it. She just continued to grin at Rayne while pressing a finger into the side of the gun and pushing it a little to the left so that she could more clearly see him.

“Yash Magar? You-you can’t be,” Rayne stammered, trying to get his damn brain working again. How was this even possible? “I thought Yash Magar was a man.” Okay, not the most intelligent thing that could have come out of his mouth, but she didn’t seem perturbed or even surprised by his outburst.

“Most people do. It does help in certain circles,” she said with a chuckle. “But I understand that you’ve had a bit of trouble today.”

“A bit of trouble?” Vale exploded. “Your Nanu tried to poison Drayce and then kill us! They’ve been stalking us all over the city!”

Yash’s nose wrinkled. “Yes, sorry about that. Meeting me is a sort of invitation-only affair. If you come asking for me, it’s our standard procedure to just kill you. I leave it to Nanu to figure out how she wants it done. As entertainment.”

“Then why in the world have you brought us in here now? To kill us?” Drayce demanded.

“Most certainly not.” She glanced down at the thick carpet that resembled dense green leaves. “I really love this rug, and blood stains can be so difficult to clean.”

“Ms. Magar,” Rayne started again in a hard voice. “What is going on?”

She offered a little huff and looked at Drayce’s gun, still pointed at her forehead.

“Lower the weapon, Drayce,” Rayne ordered, but he was careful to not tell Drayce to put it away. He was willing to hear Yash out, but he was still expecting to fight his way free of the house.

“Thank you,” she murmured, her smile returning. “I understand you’ve had a bit of a rough day and have no reason to trust me. Nanu sent a message around about foreigners seeking passage to Mrtyu. At the same time, I’ve heard whispers that King Caelan was also in town. I put two and two together, figuring you were part of his group. I sent a message back that you were to be brought safely to me, but it takes a while for such a message to filter through the ranks. We’re just lucky you happened here before you were discovered.”