He had me trapped between the open refrigerator and the wall. “Excuse me.” I gestured that I needed to get past him.

Maddox shifted about one inch. There was no way I could get by him without touching him. He didn’t look like he was doing it on purpose. He looked like he was too sleepy to move much. But I was starting to realize that Maddox didn’t do much of anything without a purpose.

He tried to hand me the water bottle back but I said, “Keep it. I’m going to meet my friends at the coffee shop in an hour. I’m going to jump in the shower now.” You know, wash the smell of sex off of me. “I hope Sully wakes up soon. But not too soon.” I gave a nervous laugh.

I was nervous. The kitchen was cozy, he was naked. I couldn’t help but think about how good he’d been with his tongue, and how amazing it had felt to have his thick cock inside me. I’d missed sex in general and that had been great sex. I couldn’t ask for a better way to break my celibacy streak. Yet I didn’t know what the hell was supposed to happen now though. I had zero experience with this situation.

“If he’s still sleeping, I can hang around until he’s up, then bring him to you at the coffee shop.”

“Aren’t you going to Rebel Ink today?” I asked.

“We’re doing late afternoon to late night. We’re filming a birthday segment for Travis. I need to be there at four. I probably won’t be home until two or three in the morning.”

“Oh, okay. Fun.” I was torn between wanting him home that night and being relieved I didn’t have to have an accurate moment wondering if we were having sex again or not. “Are you sure you don’t want to go back to bed, then?”

He shook his head and gave me a smile. “I can’t sleep. Keep thinking about the way you feel underneath me.”

My nipples hardened, which was ridiculous since they hadn’t even been in play the night before. My mouth grew hot and I fought with everything inside me not to look down and see if he had a hard cock. Even with the open refrigerator blasting cold air on my backside, I was still feeling very warm.

I failed miserably. I looked down. Yep. Big dick.

Clearing my throat, I nodded. “It was definitely nice.”

“Nice? Fuck nice.” Maddox slid his hand around my waist. “If you thought it was just nice, I need another turn up to bat. I want a home run.”

He’d already hit one but I was trying to stay cool. Which for me was damn near impossible. I felt nervous, but I also felt giddy and ecstatic that he had so easily found all my buttons and had pushed them so thoroughly. I wanted to twirl and laugh and grin, but at the same time panic because this was all wrong. Such a bad idea.

So being cool was not easy for me.

“I’m just trying to figure out how my sex life has become a sports metaphor,” I said, in all seriousness.

He laughed softly. Pulling me against him, he dropped his gaze to my mouth. “You want straight talk?”

“I’m confused enough that yes, that would be very welcome.” That was the complete and honest truth. I was super confused about what was happening and how to act.

“I want to fuck you this afternoon before I leave since I won’t be home until late tonight. Is that straightforward enough?”

Um, yes. Everything down south went wet. I nodded. “That was very clear, thank you.

“You’re welcome. What time does Sully nap?”


“Perfect.” He let me go and shifted out of my way. “It’s a date.”

“That’s not a date,” I said to Felicia, leaning forward to get closer to her. “That’s a sex appointment. Oh my God, what am I doing?” I groaned. “This is so bad.”

Felicia shook her head. “I thought you weren’t going to shag your nanny. What happened?”

I pressed my hands against my hot cheeks. It might be November but I was boiling from the inside out. “I feel like this coffee shop needs to turn their heat down.” I sipped my chai tea. “I went out with Dakota’s friend and apparently, the way she sold this blind date to him was to tell him I was thirsty for dick. He showed up fully prepared to have sex within like the first twenty minutes. He didn’t even offer to buy me a drink. So I came home super early and super annoyed and was telling Maddox about it and… I don’t know.” I didn’t. Somewhere in that brief conversation the night before in the kitchen I might have told him I really, really wanted to have sex. “It was an accident.”

Isla raised her eyebrows skeptically. She was wearing a thick knit scarf and she fiddled with it. “One, it’s not hot in here. People keep opening the door and blasting us with cold air. Two, you cannot call sex an accident. An accident is when Leah got hit by a cab and rolled her ankle. Taking your clothes off and putting some guy’s peen in your mouth is not in the same category.”

“Ew! Why are you making it sound so gross?” I was offended by her attitude.

She laughed. “I just think you should take responsibility. You wanted to, you did. Just own it, Savannah.”

“Fine! I did. I wanted to and I did. There. Are you happy? And it was good and I want more and he wants more and now what? That is what I’m asking. Now what?” I realized my voice had gotten too loud. A man in his early twenties was working on his laptop. He glanced at me.