Sullivan might only be six months old, but he had a routine, and me in his mom’s bed was not part of it. I sat up so she could stand, though I did indulge myself by sliding my hand across her bare ass. She jumped a little, clearly startled.

As she bent at the knees to scoop up her pants, she finally looked at me. “This isn’t going to be weird, is it?”

“Not at all. I promise.” I gave her a smile, resting my arms on my knees, ignoring the condom for now. “It’s going to be nothing but satisfying.”

She nodded, but she didn’t say anything. “Okay. Well, thanks for, you know, everything.”

I raised an eyebrow. “You’re thanking me? Is that for giving you an orgasm? Because trust me, the pleasure was all mine.” I stood up as she made a sound of exasperation and clutched her clothes to her chest.

“See? I’m making it weird. I don’t know what else to say!”

I gave her a kiss. “How about good night. I’ll see you in the morning. Sweet dreams.”

“Good night. I’ll see you in the morning. Sweet dreams,” she parroted. Then she bit her bottom lip and eyed me with naked lust. “And it was three orgasms,” she said. “I’m thanking you for three.”

With that, she turned and went straight into her bedroom and closed the door.

Damn. I was definitely one lucky motherfucker.

Chapter 8

Waking up alone after a night of amazing sex wasn’t strange in and of itself. I’d had plenty of boyfriends and dates who rolled out at three in the morning on occasion for various reasons. What was weird about waking up alone was the man I’d shattered beneath was sleeping on my couch.

Friends with benefits. That’s what we were. No big deal.

Except he slept on the couch in my apartment and he watched my child.

Yeah, that wasn’t complicated at all.

Also, the whole point of having my friends choose dates for me was because I sucked at picking out men and I attached easily. Like, you boned me, and I was half in love. We all knew that.

So, what made me think it made one single ounce of sense to have sex with Maddox?

I sent a group text, still in bed, mildly freaking out. Or a lot freaking out.


That should get a response quickly. Felicia answered right away.

What’s up?

Can anyone meet for coffee in like an hour, two tops? I NEED to talk.

Isla and Felicia agreed to meet me. Leah and Dakota were silent and I realized they were probably both still sleeping. Dakota had been up when I was texting her at midnight and tended to be a night owl anyway. Leah might be at work at the diner where she served breakfast to tourists.

Sully was miraculously still asleep. I checked to make sure he was still breathing, which he was. I tiptoed to the door, carefully pulling it open so it didn’t squeak. Then I tiptoed down the hallway, which was all of about three feet, hoping I could get some water without Maddox hearing me. He didn’t have to leave for the shop for another hour, so I was hoping to escape like a total coward before he woke up.

But my head was in the fridge reaching for my water bottle when I felt a very large, very masculine hand slide across my ass. I stood up so fast I hit my head on the top of the refrigerator. “Oh, shit!”

“Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you.” Maddox leaned against the counter, looking sleepy and sexy.

And naked. Very, very naked.

In the light of day, his body was even more of a wonder to me than it had been the night before. So much hardness.

“I thought you’d still be sleeping.” I held up my reusable water bottle I kept chilling in the fridge. “I was thirsty.”

“Me too.” He took the bottle from me and took a long sip. “Ah. Thanks.”