I lowered my voice to a dramatic whisper. “Now what the actual hell am I supposed to do?”

“You can stop acting like you opened a portal to disaster with your vagina and just calm down. Let’s start there.” Isla gave me a grin.

My jaw dropped. “I kind of hate you right now.”

“I guess I’m just failing to see the crisis.”

Leave it to Isla to not indulge my hysteria. I was about to explain to her why this was a legitimate dilemma when the door to the shop opened and I saw it was Maddox entering. Sully was strapped to his broad chest in a baby carrier. It was a beautiful sight—like porn for women. A hot tattooed man in a leather jacket with a baby strapped to him. It was a walking fantasy. It was a meme. It was ovulation inspiring.

I waved to him. He waved back.

Isla swiveled to see who had entered. Felicia was next to me and could already see Maddox. “He’s fucking brilliant,” she said.

When Isla turned back to face us, her eyes were wide. “It’s not like you stood a chance

,” she said, her voice low. “I know you showed us his pic but the baby just adds that extra layer of hot.”

“I totally agree.” I stood up as Maddox approached the table. Sully had spotted me and was making happy squealing sounds, pumping his arms and kicking Maddox in the gut. “Hi, baby.” I bent down a little and gave him a kiss on his plump cheek.

Then I straightened and looked up at Maddox. “Thanks for bringing him.” I gestured behind me. “These are my friends Isla and Felicia. This is Maddox.”

Did I say my friend? My nanny? Steven’s best friend? My brand-new lover? I decided it was better not to give it a label.

“It’s a pleasure,” Felicia said.

“We’ve heard so much about you,” Isla said. “So much.”

That wasn’t obvious or anything. Maddox gave me a questioning look but I just shrugged.

“It’s great to finally meet Savannah’s friends,” he said.

“Do you want to grab a coffee and join us?” Felicia asked him.

“Sure, for a couple of minutes, then I’ll leave you to your girl time.”

“Want me to take Sully?” I asked.

He waved me off with his inked hand, before giving Sully’s hair a stroke. “After I order is fine.”

I watched him stroll to the counter, confident, casual. Tight ass in dark jeans. The cashier at the register was eyeing him like she’d love a crack at him, baby or not. Maybe because of the baby for all I knew.

“You only have one option,” Isla said urgently.


“Shh! He’s coming back,” Felicia said.

When in the history of Brooklyn had anyone ever gotten a coffee that fast? That had been thirty freaking seconds. I needed to hear my one and only option.

“I forgot my wallet,” he said, patting his pants like it was going to magically appear. “I’m not thinking straight today. Probably stayed up too late last night.”

I scrambled for my purse, praying he didn’t say any more than that. “Here, I’ve got it.”

“That’s okay. I can skip the coffee.”

“No, I insist. You’re being really… helpful,” I finished lamely. I handed him a ten. “I think we could both stand to wake up.” I gave him a pointed look.

He didn’t take the hint. Instead he just took the money and reached out and tugged the end of my hair in what felt like a very brother-like move. “You’re the best.”