“I’ve kind of gotten used to sleeping with you this week. I don’t know how I’ll do it alone tonight.”

Dustin’s whole body came alive at her admission and he scrambled for a response that didn’t have a sexual innuendo attached to it. What he wanted to say was he felt the same way, except he wanted more than just sleep, more than one nig

ht. He didn’t know what it meant but he wanted…more.

He must have taken too long to respond, because Rylie pulled away, her cheeks red. “I’m sorry. I guess if Raider sleeps on the bed, I won’t be able to tell the difference.”

“Are you saying I’m easily replaced by a dog?” Dustin asked, offended.

“No, but it isn’t fair to ask you to babysit me anymore. And if you have to get home, he’s the next best thing.”

Dustin glanced at Raider. “I always figured you for more of a toy breed type of girl.”

“Nope, I’m all about what’s under the surface, and Raider is the best dude in the world.” The dog’s thin tail started smacking the couch at her high-pitched croon.

“So, be straight with me. Do you want me to stay?” He hated that he almost held his breath as he waited for her to respond. Something had happened between them this week that had nothing to do with sex or friendship. Dustin had enjoyed being with Rylie, the intimacy of sleeping with her and waking up next to her. Of talking to her and making her laugh. He didn’t just like Rylie; it seemed as though he needed her.

Which was a crazy, emotional trap he’d vowed to never step in. Words like need set you up for vulnerability and he wasn’t looking for that. He wanted the spontaneous, freewheeling life he’d always lived.

Yet when Rylie turned those chocolate brown eyes up to meet his, he forgot all about what he wanted.

“Yes. Please stay.”

He knew that it wasn’t sexual, that there was no way he was getting laid tonight. Two months ago, that would have been the deal breaker but tonight, he didn’t care.

There was no one and nowhere he’d rather be than with this woman in his arms.

“Sure. Sure I’ll stay.”

Chapter 21

On Tuesday morning, Rylie was a nervous wreck. Tonya and her fiancé were scheduled to arrive today, four days before their wedding, and Rylie was hoping that the two of them would mesh as well in person as they did over the phone and via e-mail.

Someone rapped on her door, and she got up from her chair with a grimace. Her foot was still sore and she prayed that it would be completely healed by the time Saturday came around. She didn’t want to be limping down the aisle.

Not to mention she was hoping to dance with Dustin at the reception.

She knew it was crazy to think about that. She’d woken up on Saturday to find him gone, and she’d driven herself into work to meet with Kelly and a new bride. Besides a few text messages, she hadn’t heard anything from Dustin until he’d come into work yesterday, acting as if everything was same old same old between them.

The man was driving her crazy and it was her own damn fault for seeing things that weren’t there.

When the person knocked again, Rylie realized she’d gotten lost in thought and called, “Come in.”

The door opened and Dustin stepped inside, dressed in a green dress shirt and khakis, the most casual she’d ever seen him in the office.

Also, the sexiest, in her opinion.

I need to stop. I slept in the same bed with the man for almost a week and he didn’t even try to cop a feel. Obviously, he’s over whatever was between us.

“I figured you were probably nervous and thought you could use something to calm your nerves. And since you don’t like wine, I figured this would be way better,” Dustin said.

He held up a bottle of whisky and two glasses, and she gasped. “Are you crazy? I’m not drinking before meeting our client for the first time!”

Dustin set the stuff down on her desk and took her shoulders in his hands. “You need to calm down. Everything is going to be fine.”

“What if she gets here and hates everything?”

“She okayed it via e-mail, so why would she do that?”