Dustin held his hand out to Luke to shake. “I appreciate it, but I’m okay. I’m just going to make sure she’s all settled in and then call my brother.”

“Well, good job. I don’t know Rylie well, but she seemed really happy with everything.”

“Thanks for helping out, Luke.”

“Anytime. And hey, if you play poker, some of us get together every week. If you’re interested, I’ll text you the details.”

Dustin was more than a little stunned that Luke would invite him into his boys’ club. He’d figured the guy had only agreed to help out Marley.

But he’d learned that he genuinely liked Luke. He was a decent guy. “Let me know when and where and I’ll try to make it.”

“Will do.”

They walked into the living room, where Rylie was curled up on the couch with a blanket, her new dog lying on his back behind her legs.

“You’re letting him up on your new couch?” Dustin asked. His parents had never let him have a pet growing up, because they carried parasites. He’d traveled so much up until moving back to Sweetheart that it hadn’t seemed fair to have one.

He still wasn’t sure if he had one, though, he’d let it up on the furniture.

Rylie scratched Raider’s chest. “It’s his house too, and he likes to snuggle.”

So do I.

Dustin almost laughed aloud as the thought crossed him mind. He couldn’t believe he was jealous of a dog.

“Well, y’all have a good night,” Luke said, a bit of his Texas twang coming through.

Marley waved at them as Luke led her out the front door. “Call me tomorrow.”

Once the door was closed, Dustin sat down on her other side and put his arm around her shoulder. She leaned into him, placing her face against his chest, and he pulled her a little closer.

“How are you feeling?”

In response, she yawned loudly. “Tired, and my foot is a little sore.”

He didn’t tell her she overdid it, although it was touch and go for a minute there. “Want me to get you something for the pain?”

“Nah, I already took one a few minutes ago.”

His hands brushed over her shoulder, loving how good she fit against him. He’d gotten used to touching her whenever he wanted this week. Taking her hand, slipping his arms around her. He wasn’t ready to give that up.

A low woof drew his attention to her new pet, who had lifted his head. The dog’s gaze was focused on his hand on Rylie’s shoulder.

“Is Fido going to take off a limb if I move?”

“No, he just wants you to pet him and not me,” she teased.

Dustin couldn’t miss her eager expression and knew she wanted him to make friends with the dog.

“Hey, dude,” Dustin said, leaning across Rylie’s lap. “Don’t eat me.”

He held his hand out, fingers curled under in case he decided he was hungry. Instead of teeth, his hand was bathed in a long pink tongue until he started rubbing Raider’s cheek. He leaned into the scratches and something warm spread through Dustin’s body. “You like that, huh?”

Raider tried climbing over Rylie’s legs to get closer to him, and she laughed. “Do I need to move and give you two a moment alone?”

“Nah, I should probably let you get some rest.” Dustin gave Raider one last pet, and sat back, preparing to stand.

When Rylie’s arms went around his waist, he jumped in surprise. As he looked down into her eyes, he noticed she seemed almost embarrassed at practically tackling him.