“I don’t know. Because she might be one of those crazy celebrity kids?”

He pulled her against him, rubbing his big hands down her back. “Breathe.”

She let out a shaky breath and relaxed against him, her body suddenly tingling with every stroke. “That’s really nice.”

Rylie waited for his dirty comment but it never came. Her eyes flew open and she pulled away, staring up at him in bewilderment. “Are you feeling okay?”

“Yeah, why?”

She frowned. Since she’d gotten hurt, Dustin had been her rock, and it was wonderful, but he’d stopped treating her like a woman he desired and it bothered her.

Why? I wanted him to stop coming on to me and after our fabulous night together, things were supposed to cool off. This was a good thing.

But if she truly believed that, then why was she so frustrated with their current relationship?

Rylie’s cell rang before she could ponder her flip-floppiness further, and when she saw the caller ID, she grimaced. It was the second time Will had called her, and she needed to talk to him, to let him know that she just wasn’t interested, but with Dustin standing there she didn’t want him to get the wrong idea. Like she was turning down the date for him.

“Is that your boyfriend?” Dustin asked.

Rylie’s startled gaze jerked up to meet his. “Yes. I mean no. He’s not my boyfriend.”

Was it just her imagination, or did he look a little put out?

“Go ahead and answer it. I’ve got plans tonight, so can we make our dinner with Tonya and Blake at six instead of seven?”

“Um, sure.”


He walked out of her office as if he hadn’t just dropped a giant bomb on her, and her chest tightened. What were his plans? Now that she wasn’t living next door was he having overnight guests again?

She answered Will’s call, swallowing past the lump in her throat. “Hey, Will.”

“Hey, Rylie. I know you’re at work, but I was thinking about dinner. Do you prefer chicken or beef?”

Rylie had no idea what he was talking about at first and then it struck her. He’d called her on Sunday when she was still half asleep and asked if he could come over and cook her dinner on Tuesday.

Which was tonight.

God, she was a complete jerk. “Oh, Will, my client is flying in today and we’re supposed to go to dinner. I am so sorry I forgot.”

Silence stretched across the line and she checked to make sure he hadn’t hung up. “Will?”

“Yeah, I’m here. You got a work thing. I understand. But just so we’re clear, are you asking me for a raincheck? Or is this your nice way of blowing me off?”

She hesitated, but she needed to be honest with him. “No, I don’t think so. I mean, I’m not blowing you off or asking for a raincheck. I like you—”

“There’s really no need to give me the it’s not you it’s me speech. I get it. Some things just aren’t meant to be.”

The bitter, almost angry tone was out of character, but then again, she’d probably hurt his feelings.

“I’m so sorry,” she said.

“Yeah, me too. Bye, Rylie.”

He ended the call and she stared down at her phone. It was the right thing to do, for both of them, but she still felt queasy. She didn’t like causing anyone pain.

Another knock on her door and she turned, jumping when she recognized Tonya.