I sigh into him. “I’m okay.”

“You’re white as paper. Let’s get you sitting down before you fall.”

“Milo, seriously, I’m fine. I just donated blood.” I should have taken the juice they offered instead of trying to leave right away to get to Maisy. Milo is sweet but annoying attempting to boss me around. I’m definitely not used to it. Day thirty-eight I remind myself and we haven’t even tied the knot yet.

“You’re not fine and I’ll carry you if you keep insisting differently.” He’s been difficult since my impromptu proposal. Those short phone calls, if those are any indication of the future, lead me to believe he’s a bossy pants. I’m not sure how I feel about that.

Looking up into dark eyes that melt me from the center out I sulk, “Maisy.”

“Maisy is fine playing with a few kids her age in the playroom. I just saw her, her fever is down.” Milo helps me walk and guides me into a small exam room propping me against the table. He opens a drawer and pulls out a few items I can’t see.

“I’m not playing doctor with you.” I don’t admit how good it feels to sit down.

“Not even naughty nurse?” I don’t respond to that and he laughs.


“Someone is grumpy when their blood sugar is low.”

“I am not.”

“Really?” Drolly he snaps gloves on.

“Milo.” I’m too tired to argue when he takes my hand.

“Finger.” He follows with a sharp prick pinching my finger. He squeezes blood on to a strip.

“What are you a vampire? I just saw them down the hall.” I howl with pain.

“It didn’t hurt, stop being dramatic.” He rolls his eyes ignoring me.

“If this is your idea of kinky–”

“Shush, Piper.” He waits until the machine beeps. “It’s low. Told you so.”

“Told you so.” I mimic his slightly accented voice. Milo doesn’t think its funny and I clear my throat feeling embarrassed under his censure.

“Drink this juice and sit here for a minute.” His voice is low and a bit domineering.

“I said I was fine.”

“And I said sit and stay.” He wraps the tip of my finger in a band aide. Yup, totally bossy.

“I’m not a dog.”

“No, but the urge to spank you increases with each passing minute.” Whoa! He’s grouching and the comment startles me even though it’s said with a smile. If this is what married life will be like with Doctor Domineering I might have to rethink a few things. Maybe I should call Natalie and ask her about contracts?

I sip the apple juice box trying to not pout. The band aide on my finger is pink with princesses on it and I remember I’m on the children’s floor. He’s sweet, he cares, but if he pricks my finger again I will kick him in the balls.

“Why did you do that?” I stare at the cartoon painting on the wall instead of him directly. I can’t converse with him, his gypsy eyes might hypnotize me and his voice like honey might command me to get naked. I’m not saying no exactly, but y

eah I haven’t fully wrapped my mind around his idea of a real marriage because in a normal world, in a normal situation there would have been dating and all that jazz to proceed this. Oh, and love. We were missing that too.

“Do what?” He hums throwing out the trash in the metal bin.

“Test my blood sugar.”
