“The what?” Natalie doesn’t see the humor in my joke. I might need to schedule teaching four or five daily pilates and cycle classes to keep the edge off my nerves.

“You know, in case we get the cold feet sort of thing.”

Her sigh makes the phone connection fuzzy. “Are you getting cold feet about this?”

Don’t lie, don’t lie, don’t lie.

Yes, but I don’t tell her that in my pause and essentially lie because all I’ve thought about is Milo’s almost kiss and what the real thing might be like.

“No, I’m good.” Brushing it off was easier said than done.

“Piper, as your lawyer and good friend who happens to practice law, although not this type of law specifically. I highly advise against something like this.”

“We agreed.” I check my mirrors to see if Jax has followed me out to ask what’s wrong. He knows I’m off, I tell him everything but avoiding him for two days is a huge red flag and he’s going to catch me sooner rather than later. I see a large Jax-like body heading for the glass door and I start the car driving in reverse out of my spot.

Delay and run is my new tactic.

“What do you even know about this guy?” Natalie presses.

I know he’s a great doctor, he cares about his patients, oh and he kisses like he’s stealing your soul even though he never touched my lips. I keep that little gem of information to myself.

“He’s a doctor specializing in children’s cancer and research. He’s been great to Maisy and Diana.”

“Is there a contract? Anything on paper? A prenup? I know Isaac can draw one up if you’re worried. Shit we didn’t think about assets we only reviewed the legalities.”

“Natalie thank you, but I think Milo and I can manage. I bet he has more assets than I do.”

“He could have a shit ton of debt, student loans, and who knows what his mortgage is like for his house in Federal Hill.”

“Ugh, did you call a private investigator? It’s been less than fourty-eight hours since I told you about this.” I try to focus driving on the road as I recall both Diana and Natalie’s reactions when I told them right away. Diana was happy shocked. Natalie was less so putting it mildly.

Natalie ignores my question completely. “Pip, you have partnerships with two gyms in two different states.”

“Yeah, and huge loans to cover until we start breaking even. My life consists of working non-stop and visiting Maisy.” I can’t even think about the financial stress of being a business owner right now. Jax and his brother Will Holden have been my friends longer than Diana and this gym expansion is our baby. We’ve been working on building our brand and gym culture getting this off the ground. Those two Holden brothers are going to be pissed I didn’t share this with them. Luckily Will is in Austin and I’ve got Jax, the calmer of the two to deal with.

“You know I’m coming to the wedding just to meet this guy.”

I snort. “Of course you are. It’ll be at the hospital chapel since Maisy can’t leave right after her chemo.” I want to have her as my flower girl. Babies totally distract Natalie.

“How is that sweet child?”

“Awesome. I’m actually I’m my way to donate blood.” When I learned Maisy and I had the same blood type I donate when possible. It’s one of the few things I can do in case she ever needs a transfusion.

“Drink lots of juice.”

“I will. See you soon.”

“Later, Pip.” We hang up and I’m grateful for Natalie’s concern. She pulled in the big guns having her boss Isaac look over any legalities we might need to know about. So far things are a go. Milo and I plan to get together and talk about the details but things have been hectic with both of us working. Our communication has consisted of brief calls betweens teaching classes and seeing patients. Milo is collecting all his paperwork so we can fill out the application at the court house in one shot, but I haven’t seen him since the day I went to his office.

Going straight to the clinic after teaching a class at the gym I realize how silly it is to skip a proper lunch. I’m light headed, fainter than normal and I slide into the wall squeezing my eyes shut. Today I’m definitely feeling off more than usual.

I blame stress.

And a certain hot doctor.

I have plans to hangout with Maisy. Diana is popping over to the office dropping off files for Natalie and meeting us later for dinner in Maisy’s room. We can’t go outside since she spiked a fever and developed a cough they are monitoring with her upcoming treatment. Right now her immune system is weak and there’s little to do except entertain her and keep her in good spirits.

“Piper?” Thick arms wrap around me holding me against a warm chest. My eyelids slide closed as I lean in and smell Milo’s spicy clean scent that’s peppered with the hospital smell. My nose wrinkles. He’s wrapped himself around me holding me up and I have no desire to untangle myself yet.