“Weirdo maybe.” I grump slurping the juice box loudly.

“Habit I guess? Some of the chemo treatments leave other body systems compromised so I’m having to check levels all the time.”

“So you’re not planning on doing this when we get married or anything right?”

He husks, “No, I expect we’ll both want a full workup, you know since this will be a real marriage and all that.”

“Yeah I get that, sex and stuff.”

“I’m assuming you’re on birth control. Or are we planning on using condoms?”

“I’m sorry what?” I gulp the last of the juice nearly choking on it. He takes that and throws out the trash. Now I’m sure I’ve lost not only blood from the vampire sticker, but my mind as well.

“I’m pretty frank about these things.” He stands against the wall watching me. The distance feels like electrical currents jumping between us, or I’m still feeling the effects of donating blood. Either way its disorientating with his warm eyes following my every movement.

“Don’t call me Shirley.” I mumble attempting to put some emotional distance between us by checking out the band aide on my finger with renewed interest.

“Who is Shirley?” Obviously he never saw the movie.

“Uh, never mind.” He won’t get the movie reference to Airplane if I try explaining it and I wonder what it was like growing up in Georgia. Instead I ask, “So sex?”

“Kind of takes the spontaneity away don’t you think if I’m always reaching for a condom?” He steps away from the wall and I put a hand up stopping him. He stays put for all of one second.

“Huh, yeah.” I manage to say watching him move about the room with ease I don’t have. He says this like we’re going to be having a lot of sex. A freak ton of sex. I’m not opposed, its just that this is all new. Up until two days ago I was the logical one, but the table has been flipped upside down and I’m drifting without an anchor.

“This will be a real marriage, Piper.” His phone buzzes and he reaches into his pocket checking it not once taking his eyes off of me. He doesn’t answer turning it off. All I can do is stare at his semi-erect cock in his pants and swallow back anything smart mouthed to say. I thought we could sign some papers and then go about our merry way. Apparently Milo Lazare has other ideas. The last forty-eight hours have been very strange indeed.

“What is the saying, you might as well give me a test drive?” Oh no he isn’t using his lack of idioms to get to me. Arms spread wide, he shrugs smiling and I want to grab something, anything to hit him.

“Test drive?” I stare at the way his dress shirt stretches across his wide muscular chest, the buttons threatening to pop. Being the gym nut I wonder what kind of workouts he does to stay in fantastic shape like this. I might lose more than my last name in this arrangement starting with an eye if the shirt buttons ping. I know I’m staring but so is he, and I feel like turnabout is fair play.

“I thought American women were more lax in their views on pre-marital sex?” I sputter in confusion. Milo couldn’t be a doctor, he had to be insane. We went from talking about getting married to getting his Visa status so he could save Maisy to having sex without condoms. Is this real life?

“Maybe this was a bad idea?” I whimper biting my lip. Me and my big mouth, my big stupid mouth offering to marry this hunk of man in a brash decision. Is is too late to blame Diana? Images of my sweet Maisy sting my eyes. She needs Milo, and if I am honest I want Milo, and we were out of options.

“Was I wrong?” He takes a step forward and my ass bumps into the exam table behind me. Oh this is wrong for certain, just not the kind of wrong he’s thinking.


“Come on now, Piper. You can’t proposition me without at least knowing what you’re getting yourself into.”

“I-I can’t?” I make the mistake of looking down to see the outline of his cock tight against his dress pants that hide nothing. Abso-freaking-lutely nothing.

Milo lifts me up by my hips and places me on top of the table, paper crinkles under my butt and I shift to move back. “Of course not. It’s called due diligence.” I’m utterly speechless. I don’t get far when he grabs me again and pulls me forward pulling the paper with me.

“This isn’t exactly what I had in mind for due diligence.” My hands press against his chest over his coat and my fingers trace his name embroidered on the pocket over his heart.


“Definitely not.” My hand brushes against his pectorals slipping under the coat this time and those hard buttons press into my fingertips or maybe it’s the other way around, I can’t be sure. His cologne is light, spicy filling my nose. There is something totally wrong about being in here at the hospital but nether of us seem to care about the rules.

“Your pulse is elevated.” Holding my wrist, his eyes concentrate on the pulse of my skin under his fingertips.

“I’m weak from blood loss.” I cop out.

He snorts, “Nice try Piper.”

My other hand slides up around the collar of his dress shirt. His head leans down and for the first time I realize how tall he is standing flush against me. My thumb touches the pulse in his neck feeling the same thump-thump-thump-thump that’s coursing through my own body.